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Published on Thursday, October 23, 2003 by CommonDreams.org
Good Versus Evil Sells Violence To Serve the American Empire
by Tom Turnipseed
"...Not to be out done in cashing in on the violent clash of good versus evil and the fears of their flocks are televangelists like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and Franklin Graham who view the escalating carnage in the Middle East, Iraq, and Afghanistan as biblical prophecy pitting the forces of their righteous Judeo-Christian God against the evil God of Islam. They also believe in and support a global crusade of their religious adherents against Islam's one billion people who comprise one-fifth of. the world's population.
Reverend Robertson says that Islam is a violent religion because its prophet, Mohammad, was a warrior. Jerry Falwell has opined, ":I think Mohammad was a terrorist". "...he was a violent man, a man of war". "...Jesus set the example for love, as did Moses, and I think Mohammad set an opposite example". The Reverend Franklin Graham, who is the son of the Reverend Billy Graham and heir to his giant televangelist empire, called Islam, "a very evil and wicked religion". These religious prophets of conflict have been upstaged recently by a "crusading" military prophet of conflict who is in a position to act out his religious fantasies.
Making the headlines and the evening news shows this week has been Army Lt. General William "Jerry" Boykin, who was recently named Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Boykin is a self-professed Judeo-Christian zealot who has appeared before conservative religious audiences in uniform and told them that the war on terrorism is a battle between a "Christian army" and Satan and that Muslims worship an "idol' and not a "real God". The comments were first reported in the LA Times and aired by NBC News which included excerpts from video-taped speeches. A spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations called Boykin's comments "ill-advised and bigoted" and asked that he be reassigned. General Boykin is a hands-on stalker of terrorists who belong to this "very evil and wicked religion" that Reverend Graham preaches against.
Boykin heads what is essentially an assassination program run out of the Pentagon. He is in charge of overseeing the Defense Department's "High Value Target Plan," coordinating the activities of military special operations units and the CIA in tracking down and killing those identified by the Bush administration as enemies in the "war on terrorism." Among the targets are bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Taliban leader Mullah Omar and many other lesser known figures. Ever the crusader, General Boykin also said, "George Bush was not elected by a majority of voters in the United States. He was appointed by God". ---