I can't tell you how thrilled I am, to have small states like mine written off as unimportant, over and over again. The prejudice against northern rural states on this board is staggering. It would never even occur to me to tell someone they lived in an unimportant place, whose days have gone by. :eyes:
quinnox - to answer your question - New Hampshire is a wildcard state. You never know what might happen here. NH went for Clinton both times. As has been pointed out, Gore only lost by 12,000 votes. The primary will be interesting. Right now, everyone hates our Republican governor, who bought the office in 2002, including most of his own party. We had an extremely contentious budget battle this year - and a lot of services have been cut. The Republicans have had control of the NH House since the Civil War - and the Repugs also have control of the NH Senate. Things are profoundly screwed up here, and they can't blame Democrats for any of it.
Sure, Live Free or Die is our motto - but many folks here are pragmatists. They hate the financial sinkhole the Bushistas are putting us in. I live in the county that has the highest population of uninsured people - and health insurance is a BIG BIG topic here. We just got screwed by the NH Senate on that issue.
Hell - we went for McCain in a primary - we went for Pat Buchanan! Anything can happen here. A lot of people are fed up. I see more and more Dean stickers on cars around town. Dean appeals to the fiscally minded centrist Republicans who don't give a damn who sleeps with whom.