"All Politics Jeff Koopersmit was onto this way back. This is a long article and goes into all the information Senator Levin uncovered about Norquists funding of RNC Campaigns in Oregon and elsewhere. Janet Reno didn't prosecute him, back in '97. If you don't have time to read it then just look at Koopersmith's reference to Jake Tapper's Salon article about Norquist in the box on the left of the webpage with Koop's article. I wonder what influence Noquist had in the Florida Fiasco after reading this article. Saudi's funding the Repug rukus down there when the vote was being counted? Saudi's funding the whole election debaucle? How BIG does this get? BIG...BIGGER.....BIGGEST!
Grover Norquist: At It Again?
Will Attorney General John Ashcroft indict him this
time -- or will Karl Rove give him a "Get out of Jail
Free" card?
By Jeff Koopersmith
December 9, 2002 -- WASHINGTON (APJP) -- During the summer of
1997 I began to follow the infamous career of one Grover Norquist -- the
President of something called Americans for Tax Reform, a thinly veiled
money-laundering operation operating from the nation's capitol.
Norquist is so dirty, so sleazy, that even pugnacious conservative pundit Tucker Carlson dumped
a drink on his balding head in a DC bar one night.
Norquist seems to defy gravity, spinning above the compass of Attorneys General from
Washington, DC to the state of Oregon -- and appears to enjoy the protection of the White House,
specifically that of Karl Rove, Junior Bush's top political advisor.
So I took a look back at that article I wrote in 1997, when I warned Grover that the end of his career
as "the small-minded Harvard squeak-by who preys on minorities, gays and anyone else who
doesn't fit into your delusional, power hungry world" was at hand, and decided to bring it up to date
with details of Grover's latest scam -- a new cash-cleaning operation, news of which broke
So listen up, Grover:
From now on, abandoned by members of your Americans for Tax Reform, your friends at the
American Conservative Union, your confederates at the National Rifle Association, you'll no longer
be welcome at little "conservative" get-togethers. Your own weekly liberal roasts will draw a
smaller and smaller audience, and your legal bills will cripple your ability to buy $20 cigars.
But you have one thing to look forward to: like Ebenezer Scrooge, once you're indicted, you'll go to
sleep a conservative Republican and wake up as a liberal Democrat.
At least you'll have that, and I can't say I'm sorry.
And maybe if you're really lucky, you may hold onto your closest
buddies like Abdurahman Alamoudi.
Senator Carl Levin is one of my secret heroes. He's a Democrat,
he's smart and he's a gentleman. I watched him endure hearing
after hearing at Fred Thompson's Campaign Finance Circus years
ago. Back in '97 I predicted Thompson was all but gone -- but he's
not, as we are now subjected to his ham-handed acting on the
otherwise excellent NBC crime drama "Law and Order" where he
now plays Manhattan District Attorney -- and still Norquist persists,
like an incurable disease on the Washington scene.
Years ago I watched Levin, still a Senator, take insult after insult
from "Hollywood Fred" Thompson who, despite his lame
protestations to the contrary, ran the most despicably partisan
"investigation" in history -- all the time weeping that no one "loved"
All along, Thompson knew that Grover Norquist and former RNC
boss-of-bosses Haley Barbour had masterminded a conspiracy to
launder money for the Republican National Committee -- and did
nothing about it, and said nothing about it. To my mind, that makes
him a criminal accessory.