There was a thread in GD, which I think got deleted due to profanity concerns, about a site called (screw) (you'll have to type in the REAL URL yourselves, sorry). Anyway, the point to this site is that by signing up, you can have e-mail with the (screw)hotmail address forwarded to your main inbox. Cool idea, and I went ahead and signed up. But then, I went to the homepage for the site and in the links on the left side was this (and again, the link is bad due to editing out the profanity. Use your imagination and repair the URL yourselves. :)
TO REPEAT: THIS LINK IS INTENTIONALLY BAD DUE TO PROFANITY. Use your imagination and change it to make it work.
I don't know if what they're saying is true of Windows XP, but I would imagine it is somehow. Is this not the scariest thing? I thought I would bring this to everyone's attention and I hope some of you can make good use of the information contained therein.
On edit: Okay, the original post is still around, it's just fallen way down the list and I didn't go far enough to find it before. Here it is: