I apologize for voting for Bush10/24/03
I'm a registered Republican. I voted for George W. Bush and contributed financially to his campaign. I was wrong. I apologize. Bush is the worst president America has had -- ever.
Bush has turned the entire world against America. He has lied to the American people and gotten us in a terrible mess in Iraq. There were no Iraqi weapons of mass destruction that threatened America. There was no Iraqi connection with international terrorism.
Before Sept. 11, 2001, there were a few hundred Saudi and Egyptian terrorists. Bush's policies since 9/11 have created hundreds of thousands of new terrorist recruits throughout the Muslim world. Bush created this monster.
We are wasting our national treasure in Iraq due to Bush's arrogant, "pre-emptive warfare" doctrine. We have lost 3 million jobs since Bush took office -- and we are exporting our remaining manufacturing and high-tech jobs to low-wage countries at a dizzying pace.
We are piling up massive deficits that will ultimately create chaos in our economy.
Bush must be replaced.
A quick opensecrets search shows Mr. Smith now contributing hard money to the Dean and Kerry campaigns.
If confused-yet-copascetic moderate voters are the Democratic party's worst nightmare, the perturbed-and-disappointed Gregg Smiths of the nation are the Republicans'.