Edited on Fri Oct-24-03 06:31 PM by SoCalDem
when it's in reference to "smearing"their patron saint (St Ronsicle of Raygun) or when it's potentially aimed at scaring kids via violent movies, or through sexy videos?....BUT..... they see no parallel with rightwing 24/7 hate radio, or rightwing books named BIAS..SLANDER...TRAITOR... you know...stuff like THAT???
They see no problem with trying to censor protest or dissent, yet they scream bloody murder when someone calls them on it..
They are so "schultzian" when it comes to their heroes, yet have an electron microscope trained on their "enemies" ...
rush is an addict..no problem.. it's only "prescribed meds".. (apparently his "doctor" is Dr Housekeeper, and her office is a grocery store parking lot)
joey the Scab(orough) had a dead "aide" in his office, and it's no biggie...even though he mysteriously morphs from "young up-and-comer" in the party, to "gotta quit to spend more time with the family-guy" and is gone before the coroner has finished the knot in the toe-tag...
bob livingston has an Al Haig moment on the congress steps, until he is "reminded" of his extramarital affairs, and then channnels Jimmy swaggart on national tv to tell us about his sins..
newt, the root... rooted around in Monica's underwear until he is overcome with impeachment fever.. all the while he is carrying on with an aide of his own...
dick morris..never met a toe he did not want to suck, yet he sees "naughty-bits" everywhere a democrat happens to be, and is only too happy to point out every little chink in their very necessary armor..
pat robertson wants to save every unborn baby in the USA, but sees no conflict in wishing upon a star that he could "lay hands" on a nuclear device to take out a portion of our government..that's morality and christian thinking in action, Pat...
bill bennett, chief of morality police, sees nothing wrong with gambling away the gnp of a small republic, yet sees Evil-I-Tell-ya in the hearts of every democrat he has ever met..
john fund apparently sees nothing wrong with impregnating the daughter of his live in girlfriend, forcing her to get an abortion, and then beating the hell out of his girlfriend.. His employers let him have a "vacation" and he's back in everyone's graces, as is nothing happened.. God knows we NEED him on the job.. There just are not enough voices out there trashing dems..
arnold S becomes gropenator of kelly-fornya, even though the repubes have him ON VIDEO cavorting and drugging, and yet, he's okey-dokey in their books because he's not "evil" lke Mr Milquetoast himself, Gray Davis.. Now that's a wild & crazy guy, that Gray.. These are the same people who believe that celebrities and actors should "SHUT UP, and sing??".. Apparently Ahhhnold is singing their tune ..
There are so many it's hard to remember them all, but when faults of their faithful show up in print or on the screen, they squeal like the little piggies they are and cry propaganda...slander...hate...evil, but they turn a blind eye when they are "getting the truth out".. or "setting the record straight".. or "going past the filter"..
Sgt Schultz would be proud of them