Shrub wants $87 Bn for Iraq and Afghanistan. $20 Bn for rebuilding Iraq and $67 Bn for the military. Dem congresscritters, the news and we here at DU have been focusing on that $20 Bn for rebuilding. But nobody has really said a peep about the $67 Bn for the military ("for the troops"). I think mostly because no-one wants to be seen as "against the troops".
Well, I'm not against the troops either, but $67 Bn!? We're occupying one country and fighting a low-level conflict in another. I mean, I don't mean to minimize anything, but we're not talking about pitched battles involving hundreds of tanks. What the <bleep> costs $87 Bn? Thank heavens we aren't fighting a large-scale, WWII-type war. At this rate it's be trillions!
I think our congressmen should be taking a closer look at that. They need to make sure Shrub isn't sneaking a few billion here and there for things like Star Wars II, other high-tech boondoggles that won't do a damn thing for "the troops" (military contractor pork), checkbook diplomacy, and the like. Things that aren't really "for the troops" but are being hidden in that bill.