Assuming that the Repukes keep hold on the House in 2004, what would legislative battles between President Dean and H.M.L. Tom "the Exterminator" Delay look like after Dean is sworn in in 2005?
Dean's pugnaciousness reminds me of the spunk that President Andrew Jackson had against Clay (who Jackson wanted to shoot) and the 2nd US Bank and Calhoun (who Jackson wanted to hang). Calhoun tried a
"peaceable secession" with South Carolina from the Union over a tariff dispute. See for more information.
“Unless the corrupting monster should be shraven with its ill gotten power, my veto will meet it frankly & fearlessly.”President Andrew Jackson to John Coffee (about renewing the 2nd US Bank),
February 19, 1832, I could see President Dean saying something similar to that over Repuke legislation that Delay and Hastert would try to pass.
More on the Jackson Bank War