Oh, is this good stuff:
http://www.pbs.org/now/transcript/transcript_stewart.htmlon Clinton presidency vs. Bush presidency:
JON STEWART: ...the Clinton years were vexing in this idea that, here's someone who stands for-- values and interests that I think-- that I would hold dear. And yet, throws it all away on appetites he can't control. And that's upsetting. These years are upsetting because I feel like we're being gas lit as a country in that what we see going on is just being described as the opposite but relentlessly by-- you know the administration. So it's a different-- it's a different problem.
On Fox News:
JON STEWART: ...I enjoy watching FOX NEWS and I think every country should have their own Al-Jazeera.
On Bush dodging press conferences:
BILL MOYERS: Why is it that President Bush has to go to South Africa to be asked a critical question about nuclear weapons of mass destruction?
JON STEWART: Because in the United States he doesn't see anybody in the press. He's in a-- small room, with a treadmill, that he runs on. And a little brush to clear diorama. Like he's not-- he is not exposed in any way. You know what's great? Watch a Bush press conference, and then turn on-- Tony Blair and Parliament. Where he literally has to sit in front of his most vociferous critic. And that critic will say, "Sir, on the 13th, the dossier of the French, would not the nuclear. You were hiding things. How do you answer, sir?" "The distinguished gentleman is wrong. I can prove it in this way." Contrast that with the press conference that Bush had on the eve of war. "Uh, okay, the next question is-- Jim. Is there a Jim here? Yeah. You got the next one." "That is not the agreed upon question. We're gonna move on. Ralph, you got something?" It an incredibly, managed, theatrical farce. And it's incredible to be that people are playing along with it. And they say that they're playing along with it because they're afraid of losing access. You don't have any access! There's nothing to lose!