June 9, 2002
Soldier who planted explosive at power plant gets probation.
A Bush administation OPERATION NORTHWOODS ?
http://www.buzzflash.com/contributors/2002/06/09_Conspiracy.htmlCONSPIRACY THEORY ALERT: A BUZZFLASH READER CONTRIBUTION
June 9, 2002
BUZZFLASH NOTE: BuzzFlash ran the following story as a headline link when it first appeared. As our readers know, BuzzFlash has been very careful not to foster unfounded conspiracy theories. However, the May 14th Jacksonville Florida Times-Union article certainly raised our eyebrows. A reader sent a follow-up to the story, which makes the incident, as they say, even "curiouser." In this age of hourly terrorism alerts by Bush Incorporated, a soldier planting an explosive at a power plant gets probation.
Meanwhile, if your last name is Arabic, you can be detained indefinitely without charge. Something doesn't add up here. Was this soldier working freelance or working for some higher ups to create a terrorist incident that would further scare the American people?
BuzzFlash doesn't know, but maybe we should also ask the Anthrax terrorist the Bush administration is keeping under wraps the same question.
The following is from a BuzzFlash reader:
Excerpt from original story:
"Soldier on leave held in power plant 'attack'
From Times-Union staff
A military man on leave from Fort Stewart, Ga., was arrested after trespassing at a power plant site Friday to practice reconnaissance tactics, police said.
The Jacksonville man, dressed in black, was at the Florida Power & Light facility in the 5400 block of Yellow Water Road when he was stopped by police about 11:15 p.m.
An officer found a low-grade explosive placed under power lines, Lt. Randy Parmer said...."
The full story is at:
http://www.jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/051402/met_9398042.htmlI could not find the URL for the story in today's Florida Times Union. The Jacksonville.com site does not include all the print stories.
Here is a copy from 6/8 Metro Section pg B3
The soldier from Fort Stewart Ga., who was arrested on charges of planting an explosive device on a dirt road, will serve 18 months probation after pleading no contest yesterday.
A Jacksonville police officer stopped Derek Lawrence Peterson in May and found him wearing all black clothing and black plastic pads on his knees and elbows.
Police said Peterson, 27, told them he was in the area practicing "recon" tactics".
After he was arrested, Peterson who has served on an Army tank crew at Fort Stewart since March, at first was held on a $5 million bond.
Peterson's attorney, Hank Coxe, said yesterday his client's case had been blown out of proportion because police initially suspected Peterson's acts were related to terrorism." (end)
Seems to be a rather quick resolution with a no contest plea and probation for planting an explosive. Even a small explosive charge can do injury. The stories don't give his rank or time in service or other connections.