Edited on Sat Oct-25-03 12:25 PM by lostnfound
The conservative view of freedom has been conveyed to the public very effectively in the last couple of decades; it needs to be deconstructed and challenged, but also transmuted into acceptable forms which can be absorbed by the left.
Conservatives ... liberals ... progressives ... libertarians all have their own model of freedom they espouse.
Some thoughts that come to mind:
conservatives care about these: *freedom from government regulations *freedom to accumulate much wealth and do with it as they please *freedom to discriminate (be racist homophobic swine? *freedom to say Christian prayers in public schools out loud *freedom to tax and spend on missiles & bombs but little else *freedom to pass all of their assets on to their children *freedom to pollute *freedom to set standards of morality for others *freedom to own guns of all kinds *corporate freedoms of all kinds
I would also note that many conservatives see no moral implications to wealth and business, or if they do, they put them in a category of 'optional morality' as opposed to the types of morality that they want to dictate by law.
liberals care about these: *freedom to use the power of government to equalize, clean up, improve the lot of the disadvantaged -- to try to create a better society *freedom for the individual in personal actions, speech, and behavior, except ... ? to pollute, discriminate, own guns?, own too much or control too much ? *freedom AND opportunity/provisions for the individual to be educated, rehabilitated, supported etc. according to their needs
Just a starting point, but I'm interested in what others here might think.