Edited on Sat Oct-25-03 07:11 PM by Marianne
and to be honest, could not understand half of what anyone was saying. There was too much, entirely too much hoarse screaming and gesticulating and too many other agendas that I really was not concerned about believing the most important thing right now is to expose and protest Bush and his arrogant and illegal attack on Iraq. I had no idea what it was many of the speakers were saying.:shrug:
I appreciate and thank those who did make an effort and a financial effort as well to protest in DC, but I do think that it is somewhat off base and target and admit that it was a disapointment to me. I do not think that these protests are going to impact anyone if they continue as today's agenda. It is too loud, too harsh and too many others involved, such as Mumia et al. We need protests that concenbtrate on getting Bush out of there. Those that concentrate on other issues, such as Cuba, Phillipines, Mumia and others, are only taking away from the purpose of ejecting Bush in 04. It seems to me that people are just not interested in protesting and further, if they look like fanatics, as I thought these did, even though I know they were most sincere in their individual causes and pleas--this is the result of what? The X generation? that does not care, nor affiliate with any movement? Sad. Where is the outrage? No where as far as I can see. Today's protest did not express that outrage at Bush and his murder of thousands of people--or at least the coverage on C-Span did not show any real outrage against Bush--there was too many other agendas in competition.
It makes the protest look like like it is truly a "fringe" as Bush describes it. Sorry , it does not make it or do it and I think that is sad.