SoCalDem (1000+ posts) Sat Oct-25-03 05:03 PM Response to Original message 165. The dichotomy of messages....(at rallies, marches) Edited on Sat Oct-25-03 05:07 PM by SoCalDem From the standpoint of "middle america"
morality... (vague, but still an emotion filled word) religious...(misused, but hightly effective as a wedge tool) personal responsibility...(cloaked racism/classism) patriotism...(more loaded language,but effective)
They scream these "qualities" from the rooftops and they emanate from every tv and radio in the country.. They have no real application in any of their legislation or in their daily lives, but they are the watchwords of the whole republican "movement".. People, in general, would agree with ALL of these "talking points".. We all know that most people do not read papers, or serious books, so they would like to see themselves framed as holding ALL of these qualities as their own..
free Mumia...(most people do not even know WHO he is, and when they find out thst he case involved the death of a cop, they do not line up o his side.. remember...people are too "busy" to delve into matters of unfair trials..(if that is the case here)...
America is an evil imperialist/capitalist force... (this is actually partly true, but again, people do not see themselves as evil, nor do they want to be associated with a group preceived as evil..)
gay rights.. (sure we all know that people should ALL have the same rights, but there are dems in middle america, who, even with gay people in their OWN families, still find the whole issue as "distasteful and shameful")..
We are NOT organized, and we probably NEVER will be, because we have so many issues and we have allowed ourselves to be on defense for so many years.. Our leaders have taken the comfy backseat, and are satisfied to stay there, because they are too afraid of being identified as a person with an opinion..an agenda..a philospohy.. They are content to "ride out the storm" every election season, as as long as they stay in office, their objective has been met.. The fact that they never really accomplish anything for their constituents does not seem to bother them in the least..
It's the carrot/stick dilemma...no matter how fast you run, you will never get any closer to that damned carrot..and they know it..
Groups like ANSWER get attention because the right WANTS them to be noticed.. Our side is so despearte for attention, that we align ourselves with ANYONE who gets a chance to speak up.. We do this because our own leaders do not speak up on our behalf.. The right just loves this, because they get to frame us by the "company we keep".. We do not agree with all that ANSWER stands for, though, and again we are on defense, trying to separate out the bits that we DO agree on.. This only complicates the issues more..
The Dems should have been in the streets in November 2000, and we should have stayed there until * felt so much heat he was forced to be the bipartisan guy he claimed to be, but we backed down.. We ALWAYS back down, and they know it..
Until the people we elect start taking some real chances and start LEADING the protests, instead of hiding in the shadows , hoping that no one will notice them, we will be forced to climb into bed with anyone who will at least pretend to love us, even if we wake up alone, and feeling used..