As might be obvious, I really hate this guy. I've known him for awhile. He was trolling on the Dean Blog the other day. He's got quite a following in some internet circles- show him what it's like to be attacked on his blog.
General Boykin Was Right
One of the things that Lieutenant General William ‘Jerry’ Boykin said to so outrage the left was that, when facing off against an enemy in Somalia, he was confident because he knew that his God was real and that the god of his enemy was a false one, an idol. General Boykin is a litmus test in the political side of the War on Terrorism: are you so blinded by the false dogmas of ‘tolerance’ and ‘multiculturalism’ that you would demand the firing of a fine solider simply because he appears to be ill-disposed towards the ‘religion’ of the enemy? Not only should General Boykin not be fired: he ought to get a medal for being the one senior officer with the courage to say what we all know to be true: while many slaves of Allah might be fine people on an individual basis, their faith is a false one which was founded by a pervert and spread by the sword. Those Moslem nations which pose no threat to us do so only because they practice a version of Islam which has been distorted by centuries of corruption. Those Moslems here who pose no treat do so only because their religion has been Westernized. Anyone practicing ‘true Islam’, that is to say Islam as it is explicitly set out in the Koran, is a danger to us, because ‘true Islam’ is a totalitarian ideology which demands the complete conquest and subjugation of the world.
There's much more: www.adamyoshida.com
Spread this around and let this fucker have it.