If someone has it please post, I want to put it on the bottom of this message. This is a response to a wing-nut email attacking free speech in America.
I had a shorter reply but was still ticked off so wrote this longer one. Since I'm asking for help finding the list, thought I would go ahead and include what I wrote. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated,
Original wing-nut message ...
Subject: Fwd: FW: Two liberals
>Subject: Mystic River - The Movie
> >Mystic River, the new movie being released this Wednesday is starring >Sean >Penn and Tim Robbins who have been known to spew hate speech against our >current President, assaulting his character for doing what he is attempting >to do with the war on terror, to protect Americans from further attack. >Which has been very successful so far. > >These 2 liberal actors have sided with Saddam Hussain and Osama Bin >Laden >and against our own country, as demonstrated by Penn's going to Iraq prior >to the war in protest of our pending attack to remove the terrorist regime >of Saddam Hussain, saying that we have no right to attack innocent people >and that it was the Bush >administration that is starting this war. > >Let us not forget 9/11/2001. I figure I have no way to let the liberals >in >Hollywood know that they are just actors....and not representative of >mainstream America, by myself. But if each one of us route this note to >all of your friends who support our troops and the administration, and make >sure that they do not go to this movie. > >Encourage all you know......not to go to it. By doing this.....these >actors won't be able to get a job. Look what it did for Alec Baldwin's >career! He's a washed up actor that watches his mouth these days. > >We have 2 days until this movie starts. Let the boycot begin. Route >this >to every loyal patriotic person you know and stay away from this movie with >these anti-American activists. These are 2 very outspoken hate ministers >and we can make a difference. > ==========================
You people amaze me to no end. So celebrities are not 'allowed' to have any free speech? What about Arnold? He is a huge 'celebrity' and you have no problem with that do you. Hypocrites. You know, I'm so old I can remember when if someone didn't like what your opinion was, all you had to say was .. "Its a free country". Well, people like you are doing all you can to change that, aren't you? Are you for free speech or not? Are you for freedom? Tell me this.. when all our brave troops get through fighting and dying to 'free' the people of Iraq. Does that mean they have fought and died for their right for you to tell them to shut the hell up??
Is that your twisted idea of 'Freedom'? But I know what it really is. Bush is such a disaster that his supporters can't handle criticism. They are so fragile and frail that they can't handle one bit of scrutiny. Obviously they are terrified of anyone asking questions, or even pointing out the obvious.
It’s a danger to breaking their fragile denial.
How sad ... its pathetic.
From reading this message there is no doubt that questioning George Bush is not allowed. And considering the source (Republicans) its just amazing.. I wonder if they all have amnesia about the eight long years of non-stop frivolous attacks they made on president Clinton.
Do Republicans consider questioning or scrutinizing president Bill Clinton treason??
And what did these celebrities say that you are so afraid of anyway?
Can you say weapons of mass destruction?
Where are the WMD's?
You were lied to! And our troops are dying every day because of George Bush's lies.
Now ... Lets look at this email and take a close look at the facts.
First they say.. Some celebrities are "spewing hate" .. Ok, stop right there. That is a lie, they were not spewing anything near hate.
This may be a new concept to you conservatives, but those people were actually spewing peace.
I know you all can't stand the idea of peace and prosperity, but that is what those celebrities were spewing.
If you want hate, I would advise you to turn on your am radio, anytime of the day or night, and you will find a chorus of conservatives spewing all the hate you want (even enough for an extra bag of hate to take home and share with the kids!)
Next.. look what your little 'we are not really a free country' email says about the war in Iraq..
"Which has been very successful so far."
What? Are you drunk? This war has been nothing but a disaster, just like every single Bush economic policy.
Who told you that, some heroin addict on the radio?
While Dick Cheney's buddies over at Halliburton cash billions in checks from no bid contracts, our troops don’t even have enough food or water. Since the AWOL deserter Bush got in his costume and declared victory (another lie) there have been hundreds of our troops come home dead in a body bag.
George Bush has not been to one single funeral either, not one!
And since Bush said 'bring'em on' before going on a month long golfing vacation, there have been hundreds killed and thousands more of our troops injured, many with arms and legs blown off. What's worse, when those brave troops are taken to the hospital they get a bill for the food they eat!
You call that successful?
Then you talk about Saddum Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. Well where are they?
George Bush said he wasn’t going to stop until he had Bin Laden 'dead or alive'.
That was over two years ago. Do you consider that a success too?
And where is the anthrax killer who attacked and tried to murder our leaders in the US Capital building?
After over two years, Bush has no leads and zero suspects, the anthrax killer is out there running free to strike again.
I suppose you don’t have a problem with that either, as long as he doesn’t publicly criticize your fragile leader.
And the next part of your anti-freedom message says..
"I have no way to let the liberals in Hollywood know that they are just actors....and not representative of mainstream America .."
Did you know that Ronald Reagan got his start as a Hollywood actor?
How do you do that? Do you all get your dictionary and tear out the page with Hypocrisy on it?
Pass the hypocrisy, and two servings of denial, please.
Next... your anti-American message says ..
"He's a washed up actor that watches his mouth these days."
Right on, komrad!
This sounds just like the communist Soviet Union. Or more closely, Fascist Nazi Germany.
I guess you can get Hollywood actor Arnold to explain that to you in the original German!
Congratulations, your hypocrisy has been raised to an all-time new high!
"The reason they hate us is because we are free" --George W Bush.
Well, obviously you are doing everything you can to take care of that pesky little freedom thing.
Now shut your damn mouth, like the good anti-American you are, and get back to work.. If you still have a job.
God Bless America (or really just the ones who are your Fascist comrads!)
Best! Kelley
--------- PS to help you out in your religious crusade to silence anyone who criticizes your fragile, sheltered leader... here is a better list of Hollywood celebrities you must boycott.
Looks like its going to be a long, quiet, and lonely winter for those of you in commie ville.
(( This is where the freep blacklist would go ))