For the big ones like that in DC ansSF that just took place yesterday, numbers are all we need, but I htink that smaller marches should be more like a performance. In those cases, like the one I was at, we don't HAVE the numbers to make a serious impact IN THAT SENSE. What we SHOULD do instead is organize a kind of theme that will have a large impact on all those who are watching. Things I thought of last night would be like a march of the dead, a funeral for the bill of rights, stuff like that that is VERY unconventional, disturbing, and bound to have an impact on those who watch it and it will make a huge impact in the sense that it is disturbing, unsusual, and will catch MUCH more attention than just a crowd of 300 marching around chanting. Think about it, would you be more stirred by a march of a small crowd of people marching around and chanting out slogans or something like a shambling procession of the dead where each person in the parade represents someone killed in Iraq? Or maybe have a crowd of people dressed up like it is a funeral then have a mock funeral for the Constitution and mention that the administration killed it in the eulogy. Or have a crowd of people with fake blood smeared all over their hands and forearms running up to passersby and asking if they can help wash off the blood of the innocent victims. You know, do stuff that is disturbing and shocking. That will wake people up from their slumber if nothing else does simply because it is so disturbing and strange and makes a BRUTAL point. I'm actually thinking of going to the next march I go to (if it isn't a big one) dressed as the Grim Reaper with a sign saying "George W. Bush is my #1 Supplier". I'm just saying, for the smaller marches we should do something more like a performance that is designed to shock, disturb, and horrify. It would be harder to ignore than just a march of "radicals" if you think about it when you only have it on a small scale.