Edited on Sun Oct-26-03 07:21 PM by KoKo01
that the folks who showed up after Hart identified them were very "jaded." It wasn't until the very end when Hart asked about the "Deficit" that many of their "Anti-Iraq Invasion" sympathies came out.
My impression was that Hart didn't ask questions designed for "Media Savy" I felt Hart was asking questions that fit better in the decades including and before the '90's than today with people who are very "reticent' to give any honest evaluation of their feelings.
I also thought towards the end of the segment that those folks were MUCH MORE SAVY than they were willing to impart to Hart in his "Focus Group." In the end they knew exactly who Clark was, although they kind of dissed him when the pix of candidates were put up.
Also they were much more anti-war than was revealed in the beginning where they never one said that Dean was the "Anti_Iraq Invasion Candidate."
I saw this interview later than other DU'ers, but I wasn't as angry as you all. I saw undercurrents in this whole Focus Group.....!