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The Iraq situation could have been worse...

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mediaman007 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-26-03 08:25 PM
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The Iraq situation could have been worse...
Remember that Bush* and Rumsfeld were unhappy with the original plans, so they made the generals go back to work new plans.

The last leader to make the generals do stupid things was Hitler (oops, sorry).

Makes one think doesn't it.
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shance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-26-03 11:03 PM
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1. Think about what? About how you should take a trip to Baghdad?
Please let us know how the great weather and outlook is.***

Im sure things are absolutely grand in Iraq right now for the soldiers and the RESIDENTS of Iraq.

When is the president coming to visit by the way?

And be sure to visit the museums. They are supposed to have exquisite exhibits these days.

How would you know of the suffering and massacres?

Why dont you go over there, which of course you (or the president)wont do ......Before you are so quick to say how much WORSE things have gotten, why dont you go take a gander first?

And what are we to think about?

Obviously you arent thinking about the murdered, the children being decapitated, the parents sitting their with dead children and wives and husbands, the troops so frustrated that all they want to do is shoot so they can go home.....ohhhhh yeah, coulda been so much worse.

And that would be according to WHOSE definition?

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