A) Never Lieberman. Ever. OK, if it were between him and *, yes, but oh, I'd hold my nose. Why are you going around appointing Republicans to your fantasy cabinet!?
B) Darn it, I like Dick Gephardt! But I don't see him as President. And here's me, the one saying that, as a nation, we need to sweep away the mystique surrounding that office.
C) Mr. Sharpton, if you weren't an ordained minister, this atheist would vote for you in one of our New York minutes. I love what you've got to say!
D) Dean, Kerry. Kerry, Dean. I suspect the voice in my head that says it's real safe to vote for the veteran. I suspect the voice in my head that says vote for the guy who has already held the top administrative office in his state. Why am I so suspicious? Where's my confidence in you guys?
E) Wesley, Wesley... Love your moxie against the Russians. I'm a promilitary kinda gal (comes from all that FRPG'ing). You are saying many of the right things. Um, how come you weren't a Democrat a few months ago? And can you please submit your 15,000-word essay on domestic policy over the past 30 years someday? I'd love you know how much you know.
F) Carol, I really like you. Thank you for not telling me your mother's old saying yet again ("It doesn't matter if your ancestors came here in the Mayflower or on a slave ship..."). Let's keep the momentum going; I want to live in the US that will someday elect you.
G) John Edwards: I'm from New York originally. I am still overcoming my suspicion of anyone who comes from south of Trenton.
H) So it comes down to me and you, Dennis. You know what I think? If I had made a magic potion, combining pages from the Declaration of Independence and Zinn's People's History of the US, I'd brew you up. You didn't shine tonight, but you have a constant glow, like one of those thousand points of light some jerk was blathering about a long time ago... Why are we too scared to elect you? Why are you so outside the mainstream that we fear you? Have we really become so small? Perhaps we have...