Edited on Mon Oct-27-03 01:44 AM by NinetySix
While addiction is certainly a problem, it should clearly not be a criminal one.
Addictive drugs, like cocaine and heroin, along with a number of addictive prescription drugs, should be completely medicalized and thoroughly subsidized by the government. If the government were to make these available to addicts for a nominal fee, it would ensure that a) all profit motive would be removed from the illicit narcotics trade for these substances, and b) that a relatively safe standard of usage could be maintained (quality, purity, dosage, etc.) to protect the health of the users. The groups who now control these would find their industry essentially 'nationalized,' and would have to find a new means of income, since absolute medical control would make it impossible to either maintain an existing black market or create a new one.
Non-addictive drugs, like cannabis, LSD, and others, could be legalized, regulated, and heavily taxed. Much like alcohol, the restriction of outlets for these substances would reduce their availability to minors (note that a 6th grader has much more access to pot, which he can buy at school, than to beer or liquor), while at the same time assuring increased revenues, again, like alcohol (consider: would you buy pot from some sleazy dealer if you could buy it at your local liquor store?).
In addition to the increased flow of revenue to state and federal coffers, the billions spent yearly to finance the feckless and socially destructive war on drugs would be saved, and could be diverted to finance education or the social programs which cling to their ever-dwindling existence, always in the shadow of the chopping block.
To see through the folly of the drug war, one need only clearly see the motives behind the participants on both sides of the narcotics industry. Dealers don't hate children; their only motive, the bottom line, compels them to sell to anyone who'll buy, the same as any other businessman. Like alcohol bootleggers, they sell to children because they are not restricted by any regulation which would force them to refrain from doing so. Buyers do not wish to bring about the downfall of society, but simply wish to either alter their consciousness, like beer drinkers do legally, or if addicts, to avoid the agony of withdrawal. Understanding these facts and shaping policy accordingly is the way to bring this industry, socially destructive in its current form, under control, while at the same time reducing the proliferation of addiction.