Edited on Mon Oct-27-03 08:56 AM by Snellius
Unedited closed caption transcription:
>> We'll go ahead and move on to louisville, kentucky. Good morning. Caller: Good morning. I wanted to ponet out that what we're seeing -- point out that we're we're seeing is monday morning quarterbacking. 9-11 did happen. We were invaded and 3,000 to 4,000 people were killed. There's every reason to believe that if those who brought that off could bring it off again would do it, we had no choicE. We had to stop to -- the next event would occur. You have to ask about the fervor of the people in the war and it has to do with the treatment of the israeli situation, the jews have been sucked into a situation where they're die, the palestinians are dying, let's get to the source of the problem. We did have 9-11, people did die, and there are people who would like to pull it off again. We had to react. We couldn't think about we hate war and all that stufF. That's it.
>> I think you'll find that one of the disagreements is, yes, 9-11 was a tragedy becaused by terrorists who had their own sort of ag enda. The question was -- there's been no connection made between saddam hussein and al qaeda and osama bin laden and 9-11, although the administration tried mightly to make that connection. And so you're going to see an argument that going to come forward which is by going into iraq you diverted going after the people who did 9-11, and you made the arab israeli conflict much more difficult, it has now broken apart and that is a result you'll see that some people feel happened because we went into iraq, their view, the view of the bush administration and the policymakers was, a, that if you get rid of saddam hussein, you get rid of the main supporter of the palestinians, and they would be much more likely to come to grips with an agreement with israel, and, secondly, by creating a democracy in the middle the middle east, you would have it spread throughout the area and democracies don't attack each other. It appears that that was a if he lasheus set -- a falasheus set of factors because it has been the opposite. American troops in iraq have drawn terrorist from all around the area, and that -- terrorists from all around the area, and that the so-called road map has been blown up along with everything else, so I think the caller is right that 9-11 was a terrible tragedy, but going into iraq was not a way to solve iT. ...
>> Next call, a few more minutes left with mr. Pincus, bronx, new york, you're on the aiR. Caller: I posed the war from the beginning. I -- I'm -- first of all, eem a vietnam vet -- first of all, I'm a vietnam vet, I'm disabled, and those of you who support the war, I don't think they've seen the war, they don't know the devastation of war, and i think that the people in iraq, i mean, we wanted to liberate them, but at the same time we have to remember that, you know, a lot of people died. We're talking about civilians, and I think what we did over there was make it fertile ground for terrorists, you know, and if we went in there to erase terrorism or whatever, i think we are on the wrong track and, anyway, good morning.
>> I think people should listen to what the caller said. I think that is a very impressive way to describe it from somebody who's been through it. We were in vietnam, richard helms, the former director of the c.I.A. In his sort of autobiography published after his death made it clear that one of his great concerns was that young americans went into vietnam not speaking the language, not understanding the history, but trying to bring something to that country, that the country wasn't prepared to accept, and it turned into a tragedy. And I think we have to watch out that the same thing doesn't happen again.