If Moore is attacking corporate America and corporate America is supporting him, it says something, but if Bush is pro-corporation (and that's like saying Jeffery Dahmer was pro-carnivore), then it's not unusual that Bush is flying in a corporate jet.
Of course, the issue that the media is worried about symbolic trivialities like Moore flying in a corporate jet and not about major issues like a presidential candidate (and sitting governor) breaking federal and state campaign finance laws by accepting non-monetary contributions beyond the legal limit (and while the state legislature was in session-- a crime in Texas) while campaigning is much bigger.
One thing that turned me against Moore (and I liked him at first) was watching a ton of those contradictions, though. He has a real way of slanting his side of the story that covers up a lot. In one section of his SWM book he tells about going to Florida during Campaign 2000 and telling Greens that it was okay if they voted for Gore instead of Nader. He's almost explicit that he is pointing out that he wasn't really at all responsible for putting Bush in office (and I don't think he was). He fails to point out that most of his speech was about what was wrong with the Democrats and Gore. He then tells a story of meeting JEB the next morning, and JEB implying to him that HE (JEB) was the person behind inviting Moore to Florida, since it was a state university that had paid his speaking fee. The point of that story was that JEB was a snake using Greens to split the Democrat vote towards Nader. The unspoken point that Moore tried to avoid but made anyway was that Moore was in Florida making his speech because he was PAID to make it, not because he was supporting a candidate or ideal.
Just my own two cents on Moore. To me, a story that he rides a corporate jet to make speeches criticizing corporate America (while being an over-simplification of his message) is pretty much representative of what I've seen. He really is our Rush Limbaugh. But I do agree with your point that CSPAN has felt the pressure to lean right, and has done so, probably just to ease the friction.