Good article in the New York Times which gets to the meat of the Libertarians who plan to take over New Hampshire. With the exception of drug deregulation, they are on the same page with Republicans:
"So far, Free Staters range along the libertarian spectrum, some more moderate than others."
"Ms. Casey advocates eliminating entitlements because "then you'd only attract immigrants who are hard-working people." She said:
"I radically oppose public education. It's demeaning and it creates criminals." And she says "the thing that hurts poor people is they don't know how to think of themselves as rich."""Mr. Somma doesn't argue against public schools, but maintains that they get too much money, which is good only "if you have to have nice school buildings and computers and all that." "Back in the day," he said, "they didn't need all that to teach kids. Back in the day, you were sitting around on rocks and listening to a guy talk."
"Mr. Somma, who grew up in Brooklyn, confessed that he and his wife moved for lifestyle reasons, too, not just political ones."
"Otherwise, he said, "I could never pitch to my parents, my wife: Listen, here's this group of people going to move to another state, and I'm going with them."" comments regarding public school is just way off. They're attacking the symptoms, but they don't have a clue about the real factors that keep the poor, poor.