Swarhmore College, located just oustide Philidelphia, has been known as one of THE most liberal colleges in the nation. In fact, from what my brother told me, there are only three Republicans there. So why has Swarthmore College cracked down on free speech and dissent on their campus? It is beyond me. Can anyone shed some light?
Here is a link:
http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,60927,00.htmlPeople, DIEBOLD is claiming that they should be taken down based on Copyright law. We need to get this out in the media big time. New York Times, LA Times, anything we can get our hands on. At least they would have 1st amendment rights.
It is too bad that the corporate media doesn't want to intervene though. Maybe some of the more liberal papers like in San Fancisco.
However, I heard that The Nation will try to shed some light on the matter.