that Bush and his fellow ideologues are just itchin to get into Syria and/or Iran when they think the time is right.
I've read many opinions stating that the US armed forces can't handle another Iraq-sized invasion right now (I admittedly know nothing about the current status of the US armed forces or modern warfare, so I have to go on what others say). I don't believe I've ever read a single opinion stating that they can. So this presents the Cabal with a problem.
Perhaps they could solve it by pulling troops out of Europe, South Korea (which they've already discussed), and Afghanistan (which they appear to be getting ready to leave). I've heard people say that part of the reason for occupying Iraq is to use it as a base for further operations in the Middle East; again, I'm not an expert, but it seems to me that in light of what we've seen thus far they couldn't divert a significant number of troops from Iraq to a Syrian invasion without risking a dangerously large uprising in Iraq. As for re-instituting the draft, the common consensus is that this is fraught with political peril.
But even assuming they could get the troops, they still have to persuade Congress and the average American that there's a justification to send them into Syria. They were able to phony up that case for Iraq. As things are now, however, I don't think the "Perpetual War on Terror" or "Syrian Car Bombs in Baghdad" are going to cut it. Even some congressional Republicans are now starting to question the motivations and the costs of being in Iraq. And unless Rumsfeld has made significant progress already in his plan to replace military professionals with party fanatics (as, it may be noted, both Hitler and Stalin did when things didn't go their way, with less than positive results), I don't think huge numbers of the military brass are going to go along with it either. I'm sure you recall that some of them even had the temerity to question the wisdom of Rumsfeld's Iraq strategy. Who does it appear now was right?
So it seems to me that both military and political reasons prevent them from making war on Syria, UNLESS we have another major terrorist attack that can be pinned on the Syrians. In such a case the Bush Cabal would then be given the men and money to go into Syria, with the same eventual result that we now see in Iraq. But I don't think the Bush Cabal has any serious qualms about letting American soldiers die in small batches on a daily basis so long as their agenda is met. I think that agenda in Iraq is primarily economic. I think that agenda in Syria is something creepier.