Edited on Wed Oct-29-03 01:38 PM by Beetwasher
is not realizing an obvious rhetorical question:
"...Or do you think the admin. doesn't engage in that sort of thing?"
What I think is that your question is incredibly stupid.
Or maybe you just like looking for opportunites to be insulting? Maybe you're picking a fight? :shrug: No need for that nonsense, we've had intelligent discussion before without resorting to insults...
"And there are other factors that are not being taken into account, it seems, like the mindset of the average Iraqi after decades of living under Saddam and how that might effect his/her viewpoint of the occupation forces and what they're doing."
Sure, there are lots of factors, like if your friends and family members having been killed by US bombs, shot accidentally at a checkpoing by US troops, or raped and robbed by roving gangs or if you're now starving or diseased...Yup, lot's of factors...Neither you nor I really know what it was really like in Iraq before or after the invasion, all we know is that now people are willing to blow themselves up to get Americans out. That's a powerful statment about how they feel.
"Again, it's all conjecture, and I, for one, and not willing to jump to firm conclusions without a shred of evidence, one way or the other. You seem quite willing to do so."
This is a discussion board, I'm throwing something out for discussion, we're discussing it...I'm willing to engage in thoughtful discussion of my assertions. If you think I'm jumping to firm conclusion all I can say is, whatever...This is what I think and believe based on my understanding of human nature and how I would react under similar circumstances and from what I do see coming out of Iraq...I see evidence of US troops dying daily at the hands of very pissed off people and now a steady stream of suicide attacks, they're not throwing flowers...That's the evidence that sways me, not the happy-talk coming from the admin. mouthpieces that contradicts the evidence of bodies flowing out of Iraq...
"Answer this: on what rational basis can you compare the US now with pre-invasion Iraq?"
Even though you didn't answer my question, I'll address yours, but then you have to answer mine. I'm NOT comparing the US w/ pre-invasion Iraq. I'm comparing human nature w/ human nature. Are the people in Iraq so different that they would react differently than you would if the US were invaded? It appears they aren't different. They're resisting and killing the invaders. Are you familiar w/ the history of the region? They ALWAYS resist the invaders...
"I'll take rational analysis, my understanding of human nature, employing all available data, not assuming that all sources are wholly unreliable (after all, if they were, we might not even have invaded Iraq after all, hmmm?) and divorce from political bias."
OK then, do that...What's you're conclusion? Is it the one that's being pushed by the admin, that the Iraqi's really love the US and it's only foreign fighters and Saddam loyalists blowing themselves up to get the US out? Sorry, I don't buy that...Do you honestly believe that there is NOT a true resistance element that is separate from these two groups? If so, why? Admin. happy-talk doesn't count as evidence, sorry...
Also, not sure what you mean buy this, you're use of double (triple?) negatives is confusing: "...not assuming that all sources are wholly unreliable (after all, if they were, we might not even have invaded Iraq after all, hmmm?)..." :shrug:
On edit: BTW, in my headline on my previous post perhaps I was unclear and you took it as an insult and that's why you felt the need to be insulting towards me. When I wrote If "you" know anything about human nature, I didn't mean YOU personally. To be more precise I probably should have wrot "If one knows anything about human nature..." or even "If I know anything about human nature...".