Good job. Your argument is almost Rovian in skill. You did address one though, the draft, though still managed to miss the point of it which has nothing to do with who asked for re-instatement, just the fact that it is being discussed.
Guerilla warfare does not occur in every conflict, nor does a lack of support from any country that actually holds even a tiny amount of power on the global playground, nor does massive dissent amongst the troops, etc
How about the following:
1.) The local population will never accept an american presence and attacks and deaths among american troops will continue until that local population drives the US presence out. This will come once the American people determine that the loss of life has become unacceptable
2.) The war had absolutely nothing to do with the stated purpose given for the war (brutal dictator
vs current regime "asked for our help")
all of the above misses the actual point. The point is that this is a war which we had no business fighting, which is causing the unnecessary death and suffering of both american soldiers and vietnamese (ooops, i mean Iraqi) citizens, and which is essentially unwinnable since there is no actual end objective. The actual details are unimportant. Articles like Will's make a comparison to specific events in order to illustrate the over-arching similarities, not to say the Iraq War is EXACTLY equal to the Vietnam war. They aren't but they are in fact remarkably similar when root causes are examined.
There *will* be American troops inside Iraq for at a bare minimum 10 years, probably permanently. It is too strategic a position to give up and to leave would mean the US had virtually no military presence in the area. A permanent base in Iraq gives the US immediate access to Saudi Arabia in the case of a theocratic coup, to Iran for when (not if) we decide to take out the current government, to Syria (ditto), to Lebanon, maintains our control over Kuwait and of course provides a large degree of protection for Israel. Anyone who actually thinks that the next President (who will be a Democrat) will vacate Iraq militarily is simply kidding themselves. Once the next President is briefed on the strategic importance of the base in Iraq (particularly with our total dependence on Gulf oil), there will be no choice but to stay. The whole thing is incredibly depressing because rather than attempting to actually foster good relations with this area it was decided to simply take over.