I first learned of Thermal Depolymerization (TDP) in an article in Discover magazine. They are reputable in their science. May 03 issue, article titled "Anything Into Oil" The company doing it is Changing World Technologies. Here is a link to their site:
http://www.changingworldtech.com/Everything that I am going to discuss in this article is based on the idea that the process works as advertised. If it doesn't really work, then this is a nearly useless post.
Since many of you will not know what TDP is here is a brief explanation. It will be over simplified as that is a result of the shortness of the description. Carbon based compounds are mostly polymers that under this process can be broken down into oil of different grades with greater purity than fossil oil, and well as carbon and minerals. A TDP plant can take raw sewage, toxic waste, computer parts, paper, grass, old tires, food waste and at an efficiency of about 85%, convert it into oil. It does this with NO pollution of its own. The water removed is pure. No gaseous emmisions into the air. That efficiency of 85% means that only 15% of the energy put in (in the form of trash) is used up in the process. The cost of a barrel of oil by this process is about $15.00, plus you get the beneficial byproducts.
There is enough agricultural waste in this country that ALL of our imported oil needs could come from this process. With additional crops planted targeted for this TDP we could stop using fossil oil completely. No offshore drilling. No Artic drilling. No drilling period. No supertankers spilling. No massive transfer of wealth to middle eastern dictators & police states.
Helps Global Warming too. The fossil fuels put NEW carbon into the cycle. This process uses carbon that is already in the cycle. I will explain that a bit. A plant takes carbondioxide out of the air, but when the plant dies, even if it is a rain forest tree, it decays and the carbon in the plant becomes CO2 again - no net change. But fossil fuels take carbon that was locked away and puts it back in the air, thereby increasing the greenhouse effect. Essentialy this process uses recent solar energy as the ultimate source. The leaves of plants are the collectors.
This would solve the problem of landfills, toxic wastes, sewage plants, dumping wastes into rivers, etc. All that waste now becomes a valuable resource, and no plant manager is going to throw away something that he can sell for money.
The process is high-tech, but the machinery to do the process is nothing more than refinery technology. Pipes, valves, boilers, etc., with some computer sensors & controls. That means cheap & easy to build. The workers can be ordinary people for the most part. Also, lots of these plants can be made quickly.
The first prototype plant has been built and is in operation. It is mostly a test plant to fine tune the recipies for different types of trash. The first commercial plant is due to go online in a few weeks in Carthage, MO. They will be processing turkey guts into useful oil, carbon, water, & fertilizer & at a profit too. Hey, profit isn't a dirty word.
Not a single one of the Dem candidates have said a single thing about this revolutionary process. Here is my idea:
1. Check the process out to make sure it really does work.
2. Gov't builds thousands of these plants around the country. At first a few to further test the process and train other plant workers & managers. Then more are built. Displaced workers get first shot at a job. The plant is then sold to the workers. The workers will have to form a company, and that company will have to pay a mortage to the Gov't. The company will be then have to stand on their own two feet. The company can not be sold to another company. No mergers, aqqisitions, etc for 10 years or so. I don't know enough how something like that would work exactly, but I have heard of worker owned bussiness and it hould be able to work. To speed up the process we would have to make some serious red tape cutting to fast track this thing.
Result: Lots of new jobs, lessened reliance (Elimination?)on fossil fuels, Energy independence for most countries, Bankrupcy for lots of middle eastern countries, (I don't have any sympthy for them. In some of them women can't be educated, or leave the house w/o a male escort, or even get medical care. And men are allowed to kill family women over "honor" violations, even if the woman didn't actually do anything.)cleaner enviornment, cheap energy gives a hugh boost to the global economy as other countries build their own plants.
As for the guy that invented the process - anybody that can design something that useful deserves to be rich. I have no objection if the guy makes so much money that he leaves Bill Gates eating his dust. That's fine with me. He would probably use most of it for research in to other good ideas anyway.
Of course, if TDP doesn't work, then this was a wasted post. But it is certainly worth checking out.
The Reps seem to be content with allowing private industry to build these at its own speed. I'm sure the oil companies are very excited about all of their expensive drilling equipment not being needed. - (Wink, wink, sarcasm)
To win over the Reps we need to be the Party of New Ideas, the Party of Progress.
Can the Reps steal this idea? Of course - that's part of politics. But people will remember that the idea was ours.