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Clark seems to be getting some good reviews...

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Bread and Circus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 06:03 PM
Original message
Clark seems to be getting some good reviews...
on his health care plan. This is reposted from the
main Clark website. I am sure they wouldn't mind that
I post it here:

Wesley Clark 'Gets' Health Care, Experts Say

General Wesley Clark offered his prescription for America's ailing health care system Tuesday. In the third of four major policy speeches on the New American Patriotism tour, Clark introduced his plan to make health care more modern, accountable, and affordable for American families.

"My plan for health reform addresses the daunting challenges faced by America's families," Clark told the audience at the University of New Hampshire in Durham. "It provides real leadership and shifts the focus of the health care debate by insisting that any commitment to expanding health insurance be accompanied with the requirement to improve as well as expand coverage."

There are now 44 million Americans without health insurance, including more than eight million children. Nearly 20 million Americans with full-time jobs don't have health insurance.

"Someone ought to tell the Bush Administration that the Hippocratic Oath is not a license to practice hypocrisy," Clark said.

Experts in the medical community praised Clark's proposal.

"Clark's plan sets an achievable course not only for the all-important goal of health care access for all Americans, but also for access that is affordable to government and individual families alike, that emphasizes prevention and effective management of chronic diseases, and that starts out by making sure that all our children are covered," said Stephen C. Joseph, MD, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, and former New York City Commissioner of Health.

The plan rests on three major pillars: focusing on preventive medicine, covering all children, and making insurance affordable and portable.

"The Health Plan from General Clark is an excellent, comprehensive policy," said Gilbert S. Omenn, M.D., PhD, Professor of Medicine, Genetics, and Public Health and former CEO of the University of Michigan Health System. "The highlights of universal insurance coverage for children to age 22, more affordable access for uninsured adults, additional assistance for vulnerable groups, and clear attention to disease prevention, health promotion, improved patient safety, and enhanced quality of care, are all aimed at increasing the value to the public and to employers of our very large investments in health care insurance and health care and public health services."

By promoting prevention and early diagnosis, the plan would reduce costs to the system and lengthen lives.

"Wesley Clark 'gets' health care," said J. Douglas White, MD, MPH. "He understands the issues of access, quality, disease management, prevention, technology and cost. He recognizes that you shouldn't teach sick people lessons in economics. At a time when we seem to be 'slouching' toward health care reform with a system that is inadequate, expensive, and at times incoherent, his plan would revolutionize the health of those least able to protect themselves in our modern market economy - children and the unemployed."

Clark's plan will use the savings from his economic plan and the extra revenue from his job creation plan to provide a progressive tax credit that would extend up to 500 percent of the poverty level. That translates to about $90,000 for a family of four.

Families could use the credit for Medicaid or State Children's Health Insurance Programs, employer coverage, or if employer coverage is not available, for the same plan that members of Congress have. This proposal will directly benefit the working poor with little or no job-sponsored health plan.

"While much of the health care debate has focused on expanding coverage, the truth is, there is just as great a need to make it more affordable for families who already have health insurance, as well as for businesses and federal, state and local governments who are helping families pay for it," Clark said. "We've got to do it not by settling for less, but asking for a better return on our $1.5 trillion a year investment in our health care system."

Clark's final speech in the New American Patriotism tour will be on national security in November.
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xultar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 06:12 PM
Response to Original message
1. YEAH! - That's my Clark

It appears that he's taken the reigns of his campaign from the idiots who caused the problems and he's steering the ship.

Everyone must remember that we have such a long way to go before 2004 election day. Every campaign will have ups and downs. Our main job as supporters should be to keep our eyes on the prize.

It is ok to discuss the issues. Don't however, beat down other Democratic candidates. Let the RW do that. There are good points in each campaign on the field.

When this is all over there will be a single Democratic ticket and we must stand behind that ticket! Until then I'm supporting Clark.

Boot the SHRUB!

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KittyWampus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 06:24 PM
Response to Original message
2. Clark's Plan Sounds Doable
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DemCam Donating Member (911 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 06:35 PM
Response to Original message
3. Docs I know
are loving this plan...(okay...3 so far...but hey!)and we do need a plan bigtime. The Republican Party has just about done us in in the health care arena, imho.
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TLM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 06:40 PM
Response to Original message
4. Great plan.... I liked it the first time I heard it...
Edited on Tue Oct-28-03 06:43 PM by TLM
From Howard Dean.

"Families could use the credit for Medicaid or State Children's Health Insurance Programs, employer coverage, or if employer coverage is not available, for the same plan that members of Congress have. "

Lets see expand medicaid and SCHIP, make insurance more affordable for employers, and allow people to have access to congressional plan.

Gosh I wonder where CLark got such good and "doable" ideas?

Text Prepared for Presentation by
Governor Howard Dean
May 13, 2003
Columbia University

We’ll help families get health insurance, and help small businesses provide it to their employees. And we’ll ensure that those large companies that avoid their responsibility to provide insurance lose some of the special tax breaks and benefits that Congress has given them.

Let me tell you how we’ll do it by describing what my plan means for four groups: for children, for working families, for small businesses and for large employers. I will walk you through the details in the question and answer session to follow.

First, and most important, we’ll extend health coverage to every uninsured child and young adult up to age 25.

To do this, we’ll redefine and expand two essential Federal/State programs Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

Right now, they only offer coverage to children from lower income families.

Under my plan, we cover all kids and young adults up to age 25. Not just low income people, but middle class people, too.

Doing this will give 11.5 million more kids and young adults access to the health care they need.

Access to immunizations. Access to preventive care. Access to better, healthier lives.

We made this happen in Vermont and we can make it happen for the rest of America, too.

Second, we’ll give a leg up to working families struggling to afford health insurance.

We’ll make adults earning up to 185 percent of the poverty level eligible for coverage by making the children’s health program the Families and Children Health Insurance Program. By doing this, an additional 11.8 million more people will have access to the care they need.

A lot of working families have incomes that put them beyond the help offered by government programs. That doesn’t mean, though, that they have an affordable health care option. We'll establish a health insurance plan that they can buy into, providing coverage identical to what members of Congress and federal employees receive.

To cushion the costs, we’ll also offer a significant tax credit to those with high premium costs. By doing this, another 5.5 million adults will have access to care.

Third, we need to recognize that one key to universal health care is making health care affordable to small businesses.

We have to agree that we can't turn our back on the employer-based system we have now.

But, by the same token, we shouldn't simply throw money at it, either.

Instead, we need to modernize it so employers will have an option beyond passing rising costs on to workers or bailing out of the system entirely.

And modernizing it begins by modeling it on this country's best example of efficient, affordable and user-friendly health care coverage: it's the one I mentioned a moment ago; the federal employee health system.

With my plan, we'll organize a system identical to the one federal workers and members of Congress have. And we’ll enable all employers with less than 50 workers to join it at rates lower than are currently available to these companies-- provided they insure their workforce.

I'd also offer employers a deal: the federal government will pick up 70 percent of COBRA premiums, but we'll expect employers to pay the cost of extending coverage for an additional two months.

Two months may not sound like a long time, but we know that those two months are often the difference between workers finding the health coverage they need, or joining the ranks of the uninsured.

This is a sensible way to help small business afford to offer health care to their employees.

Finally, a word about corporate responsibility

There are a lot of corporations today that could provide health care to their employees but choose not to. This is unfair, because ultimately it's the public who pays every time our health care system is used by someone who doesn't have the insurance.

We pay in the form of increased hospital costs, higher physician fees and bigger insurance premiums.

That's why the final element of my plan is a clear, strong message to corporate America that providing health coverage is fundamental to being a good corporate citizen.

I look at business tax deductions as part of a compact between American taxpayers and corporate America. We give businesses certain benefits, and expect them to live up to certain responsibilities.

One of those responsibilities is this: if you operate a business that can afford to pay its executives large salaries and provide them with generous bonuses and benefits, then you ought to be prepared to pay for health insurance for your employees.

If you are not, we’re not going to give you the same generous tax benefits we’re giving to those businesses that are providing health insurance to their workers.

This is not a mandate. In fact, you won’t find significant mandates in my plan. That will only lead to another decade without coverage for 41 million Americans.

The plan I’ve laid out for you today to cover all children, to make insurance affordable to working families and small businesses, and to ensure that large employers who can afford to are providing coverage is not simply a health care plan. It’s an important part of my economic plan as well.

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KittyWampus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 06:51 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. At Least Clark Will Cut Defense Spending To Pay For It
Edited on Tue Oct-28-03 07:34 PM by cryingshame
Too bad Dean is percieved as weak on Defense and therefore can't substantially cut the Pentagon budget.

Instead Howie's got to use Regressive taxation... raising taxes by repealing Child Credits for instance.

But then, when you're a Business friendly Democrat who is proud to be labelled a "fiscal conservative" who revels in bashing those Big Spending Liberals.... what are you gonna do?
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The Magistrate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 07:14 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. So What You Are Saying, Sir
Is that there is no difference twixt the two on this important matter.

The question becomes, then, which has the better chance to prevail in the general election, and actually put the measures through what may well be a hostile Congress.

At this point, it seems to me the answer more favors Gen. Clark than otherwise.
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Bread and Circus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 07:39 PM
Response to Reply #4
7. TLM, thanks man!
I have met Howard Dean and Wesley Clark.
They are both great. Either one in the
White House would be great. Thanks for coming around
on this.

Isn't it great Clark is getting so many positive
comments from MD/MPH's on his plan? Thanks TLM for
supporting Clark and showing how he and Dean are similar.
Thanks man.

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andym Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 07:48 PM
Response to Reply #4
9. Seems to me that General Clark respects Howard Dean's plan
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Seems to me that Wesley Clark respects Howard Dean's plan. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Wesley Clark respects Howard Dean personally.
Furthermore, I wouldn't be surprised if Howard Dean respects Wesley Clark.

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Rowdyboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 08:23 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. Ya think?
Edited on Tue Oct-28-03 08:24 PM by Rowdyboy
Ya think maybe its just some of their more childish supporters that keep up the drumbeat of attack no matter the cost? Ya think? Or maybe they want to so poison relations between the two strongest candidates that a ticket composed of them both will be impossible. They sure seemed to respect each other earlier in the race before Clark entered and neither man has made me think differently since.
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KittyWampus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 10:32 PM
Response to Reply #9
12. Actually, Seems Clark Stole EVERYBODY'S Plan
Over in Politics Forum, the thread on Clark's Health Care Plan indicates he stole Kerry/Dean/Edwards Plan... and then we find out that ALL of these plans are similiar to the DLC Plan....

:D :D :D
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Julien Sorel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 10:41 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. Shocking. Simply shocking.
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ShaneGR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 07:47 PM
Response to Original message
8. I am surprised Clark hasn't talked more about alternative energy
He was the Chair of a company that is researching electric motors, I wonder why he hasn't mixed that in as a way to reduce our dependence of oil. Of course, he's busy staving off the same stupid question over and over and over.
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Bread and Circus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-28-03 08:29 PM
Response to Reply #8
11. That's about right....
he keeps staving off stupid questions
over and over and over and over and over.

The right wing and Bush sympathizers want to keep
him from getting his message out and the media
is too busy playing "gotcha" to care about our
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