Just some thoughts…and none of my business of course.
I’m sure Mike is well armed… (I know I would be.)
And the last thing any of us would want to see is anything happen to Mike.
Most of us here are “truth seekers” and Malloy is indeed soaring, and that makes him a threat to the right-wing zealots and the usual psychopathic republican fanatics.
Malloy and those like him… who speak out against the status quo, the corporations, the lying republican fascist, organized religion, corporate polluters, minority rights oppressors, etc… is a cause of great concern and threat to the greedy, hateful, ignorant racist, lying imperialist, conservative fascist, that a strong liberal progressive voice nationally becomes so dangerous to these exploiting swine..
CIA, FBI and local “knuckle draggers” have always tried to silence opposition; to quiet any voice of dissent aimed at the GOP and its ruling class …especially silencing ones with political status, a public personality or media influence.
Not to say, Malloy’s audience is not well informed and don’t think for themselves---However, Mike, (as he will be the first to tell you) simply amplifies our sentiments, while echoing our passions and rage and doing so in a very informative, intelligent entertaining way.
Perhaps like no other…
Just listen to Malloy Yes, there’s Randi Rhodes, Ray Tailiferro. Bernie Ward, etc...But, NO ONE does it breathtakingly and brilliantly quite like the great Mike Malloy.
Surely and without a doubt, Mike gets emails that are incredibly threatening, correspondence from sick, foaming at the mouth, bible thumping, love Bush or leave America…, hic, hic, hee hawing, assholes. Not that Mike would ever talk to his audience about this…that’s what makes him…well, Mike Malloy, he prefers instead to expose those greedy, lying, killers, known as “the Bush crime family.”. And like so many of us, we are grateful for that.
Not to alarm or project anything, just an acute awareness that there should be of consciousness that no strange “accidents” occur. This is not something I know of…or heard about…just a thought and a feeling that occurred to me, nothing more, and wondering how you see it…
Malloy is a true passionate patriotic treasure. That personally I have not experienced before or been exposed to on a public level. This man is so passionate about his love for this country. Who can’t see that?
If you haven’t recognized Malloy’s uniqueness yet, (no surprise to Mike…shit, he’s been doing it for a long while…and getting tired and more than likely, bored, by it all anyway.) But the need and passion to expose the lies and hypocrisy is what drives him. And now is when we need him most, when this “too stupid to be president” puppet who stole office and continues to masquerades as a moderate, for the fascist who are now in control of this country.
It’s happened so fast…I never expected the quickness and extent they’ve been planning for many, many years and their complicity in 9-11 allowed this all to happen right in our face. Now what?
I plan to enjoy, promote and support Malloy for as long as he decides to knock us out, kick our asses and show us what real passion is all about. And hope that he continues to voice our trepidation while continuing to expose the bullshit… (And also he’s someone who makes me fucking laugh like no other while doing it.)
Cheers to you Mike!