From Slate:'s why it's so troubling today to see Clark join in the same self-fulfilling wave of determined pessimism and obstruction he battled four years ago. "This president didn't know how he wanted to end. He doesn't know what he's doing today," Clark charged in Sunday's Democratic presidential debate. "I would not have voted $87 billion. … The best form of welfare for the troops is a winning strategy. And I think we ought to call on our commander in chief to produce it. And I think he ought to produce it before he gets one additional penny for that war."
I don't know whether we'll win the postwar if Congress approves the money Bush asked for. But I know we'll lose it if Congress doesn't. That's what happens when a nation at war starts to think like the Wes Clark of 2003. Just ask the Wes Clark of 1999.The author tries to claim that the pessimism surrounding the current invasion/occupation/target practice is the same as that faced by Clark in 1999 re: Milosevic and that the situations and the decisions to be made are similar.
What a crock. The difference between Wes Clark dealing with Milosevic and Bush currently dealing with Saddam/Iraq is that MILOSEVIC was still running the opposition when Clark was dealing with him. Saddam isn't running anything other than for his life.
It's pretty obvious to just about everyone (except this writer, apparently) that Saddam isn't running the show in Iraq, and we unquestionably know that he isn't in the same kind of position of power that Milosevic held in 1999. Comparing the two and suggesting that they should be dealt with in a similar manner is ludicrous.
Even Bush and his administration are publicly blaming "foreign terrorists" for the recent attacks. Bush also tries to blame Saddam's regime, but I think we all know that his "bring 'em on" comment did exactly that - it brought potentially thousands of terrorists into Iraq who have their own reasons for targeting our troops, in addition to the forces we were already facing.
Edit: minor typo and minor mods