...see this kind of bigotry directed against them? Folks, this is what "Middle America" think about you. This is what a large portion of the population thinks about you.
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1007859/postsHere are some samples(I got tired of reading this drivel after post #100). This is TEN pages of bigoted comments.
To: sarcasm
Is Bush talking about the same Muslims I read about who are Killing and maiming thousands of Innocent People all over the world.
Maybe this is another example of bad Intel information?
4 posted on 10/25/2003 5:33 AM PDT by chatham
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To: sarcasm
...Islam is a peaceful religion that has helped shape the character of the United States...
It has also helped re-shape the skyline of Lower Manhattan.
6 posted on 10/25/2003 5:40 AM PDT by rickmichaels
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To: CWOJackson
There are a lot of Muslim citizens of the United States. He is their President as well.
I hope he remembers to salute the wiccans & pagans this coming Friday.
7 posted on 10/25/2003 5:40 AM PDT by Freebird Forever
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To: CWOJackson
Still waitng, now two years later for them to step up to the plate for their country. So far we have had whining, two snipers, an assasin in the military, an FBI agent who wouldn't do his job and several traitors who betrayed us at Gitmo. I would love to be able to point to their patriotism, just not seeing much.
8 posted on 10/25/2003 5:40 AM PDT by Kozak (Anti Shahada: " There is no God named Allah, and Muhammed is his False Prophet")
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To: sarcasm
President Bush says Islam is a peaceful religion that has helped shape the character of the United States
Islam has helped shape the character of the United States? Thankfully not! And when can we drop this ridiculous Religion of Peace BS?
To borrow from Ann Coulter, what's the largest monument to Islam in the United States? Gound Zero in Manhattan!
13 posted on 10/25/2003 5:49 AM PDT by Rummyfan
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To: sarcasm
(pitch pipe tone) Hmmmmmmmmmmm....................
Happy Ramadan to you
Happy Ramadan to you;
Happy Ramadan, mother ******* ,
Happy Ramadan to you !
15 posted on 10/25/2003 6:24 AM PDT by genefromjersey (So little time - so many FLAMES to light !!)
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To: sarcasm
man has it been a year already! ramadan just snuck up on me this year. I had a big celebration planned too! I was going have a pig roast with all the fixings. Well hopefully I can get my have fun killing the infedels cards out before the holiday rush.
16 posted on 10/25/2003 6:26 AM PDT by TheRedSoxWinThePennant
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To: sarcasm
BU.LSH.T!! I do think GW is going overboard with the 'religion of peace' attributes in virtually every speech.
17 posted on 10/25/2003 6:29 AM PDT by PISANO
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To: longtermmemmory
I thought his job was to run the country.
I wonder if he believes all this stuff that he reads or if he's jst a talking head?
18 posted on 10/25/2003 6:30 AM PDT by WhiteGuy (Constitutionally limited Government now!)
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To: sarcasm
In his message, President Bush says Islam is a peaceful religion that has helped shape the character of the United States,
If there is any factual and historical support for this statement -- any at all -- I have yet to discover it.
19 posted on 10/25/2003 6:30 AM PDT by Maceman
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To: CWOJackson
I haven't seen any reports in the public eye describing how Pentacostle's have been stepping up to the plate, or how Lutheran's are the bravest soldiers.
I also haven't seen any wild-eyed homicidal Pentacostalists and Lutherans murdering our citizens and collapsing our skyscrapers.
20 posted on 10/25/2003 6:33 AM PDT by Maceman
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To: CWOJackson
"I haven't seen any reports in the public eye describing how Pentacostle's have been stepping up to the plate, or how Lutheran's are the bravest soldiers."
Probably because the Muslim apologists are too busy trying to tell us Islam=Peace while the Muslims are doing their best kill off The Pentecostal’s and Lutheran's of the world. Thankfully Most Americans recognize Islam for what it is.
22 posted on 10/25/2003 6:34 AM PDT by JustAnAmerican
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To: CWOJackson
Nice try. Pentacostalists and Lutherans are not trying to murder us in the name of their god. If you think the press, which has been o so solicitous to the Muslims in the "Religion of Peace" campaign, wouldn't be trumpeting their contribution to the war on terror, you are being somewhat naive. They may be gunshy do to the fact everytime they have a poster boy ala Capt Yee, or some of the "respected Imans" who later turn out to have direct ties to terrorism it's blown up in their face.
23 posted on 10/25/2003 6:36 AM PDT by Kozak (Anti Shahada: " There is no God named Allah, and Muhammed is his False Prophet")
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To: CWOJackson
He is their President as well.
Absolutley correct. At least, until they can implement Sharia law.
29 posted on 10/25/2003 6:40 AM PDT by PBRSTREETGANG
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"I'm sure the 13,000 Muslim's in the military uniform for this country appreciate your support.
And how may of these 13000 can be trusted? In a word, Zero. Amazing how the apologists want everyone to think Muslims are Pro-American. Why don't you dig up some stories of Muslims in the Military who supported us so well. Because I can sure dig up a lot of stories to the contrary. Islam is an anti-Western/American cult whose members should not be trusted, Period!
36 posted on 10/25/2003 6:45 AM PDT by JustAnAmerican
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To: Miss Marple
"Apparently the fact that it is the largest religion numerically, and that mamny of our allies in the war are Muslim nations is not to be considered. I am thankful these people are not in charge of foreign policy.
LoL, nothing like having an Ally that would kill you as soon as the threat of force was removed. There are no True Muslim Allies, unless of course you are talking about the Muslim countries that are controlled by their own military so Islam does not take hold.
39 posted on 10/25/2003 6:49 AM PDT by JustAnAmerican
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To: sarcasm
Mullah Bush's comments must warm the hearts of the loved ones killed on 9-11, and not to mention the KIA's families in the war on terror.
44 posted on 10/25/2003 6:53 AM PDT by gitmogrunt (Thanks for nothing,you idiot)
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To: CWOJackson
"These are the same kind of people who would don white hoods and burn crosses outside of people's homes at night. They aren't worth the dust on a single Muslim soldier's boots."
Once again the apologist’s true color shows. Blame it all on Cross burning fanatics, never mind that Muslims killed 3000 of our people on 9/11/01 or that on a daily basis they spout ant-Jewish/American nonsense. Nope, in your world Muslims are just the cat’s meow and us lowly Christians are just cross burning hypocrites, thankfully us common folk know about your type.
47 posted on 10/25/2003 6:55 AM PDT by JustAnAmerican
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To: sarcasm
Have former Presidents issued Ramadan greetings? I get it now. Attack America, get greetings from the POTUS.
48 posted on 10/25/2003 6:57 AM PDT by veronica ("I just realised I have a perfect part for you in "Terminator 4"....)
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To: sarcasm
What depresses me about this whole Muslim/Islam religion of peace BS is that we NOW have ANOTHER VICTIM group in the United States another minority group that will get preferential treatment and glowing words heaped upon them by our politicians as they pander to a NEW constituency they hope to GAIN.
Horrible to think that this NEW group is being pandered to BECAUSE of the killing of 3000 innocents and the disruption of our entire nation's economy. PC run amok!!
49 posted on 10/25/2003 6:58 AM PDT by PISANO
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To: Kozak
Exactly, but remember it is unpatriotic to many around here to be critical of the President, even if you do support him in the main, and to the point of even voting for him next year. There are many here these days that take it as almost a sacrilige to be critical of the "man" while still supporting him over any other candidats available.
I am with you. Since day one (911) I have accepted that being the President of the whole United States he has to be a bit circumspect in his statements. But I think he has gone a bit overboard in this "Religion of Peace" crapola and now to the great contributions they have made to America? Give me a break.
50 posted on 10/25/2003 6:58 AM PDT by ImpBill ("America! ... Where are you now?")
To: sarcasm
President Bush says Islam is a peaceful religion that has helped shape the character of the United States
What an absolute load.
Here...I have a Ramadan message:
Comment #59 removed by moderator
59 posted on 10/25/2003 7:08 AM PDT by B Knotts
To: Miss Marple
"Don't waste your time arguing with those who want the President to declare a holy war on Islam.
I don't know about the holy war thing, but I do know Islam is our enemy and to come out and say it's the best thing since sliced bread or that it has contributed in a meaningful way to the USA, is at best absurd and at worst outright lying.
If he didn't want to inflame the Muslims in the hope that it would make us more able to deal with Islam in the future that’s one thing, but don't try and tell us Islam is peaceful and good, there are a few million people(Dead) that would tell you otherwise if they could.
60 posted on 10/25/2003 7:10 AM PDT by JustAnAmerican
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To: CWOJackson
These are the same kind of people who would don white hoods and burn crosses outside of people's homes at night. They aren't worth the dust on a single Muslim soldier's boots.
What planet are you living on?
You are egregiously slandering MANY who are FIGHTING in Iraq now in OUR armed forces as we speak!
Obviously, you harbor pro-Muslim sympathies? Perhaps you think it was Christians who flew the planes into the WTC on 9/11/01?
61 posted on 10/25/2003 7:10 AM PDT by BenR2 ((John 3:16: Still True Today.))
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To: BenR2
The most infuriating aspect of this is that the pandering does not work. All over Europe, Muslim/Arab anti-semitism is rampant. America is despised among many Islamists as well. I am 100% sure that taking on this ugly aspect of Islam would be much more productive than glossing it over with platitudes and PC BS.
We didn't kiss the rears of commies in the Soviet Union did we? That's not how the fall of communism was accomplished.
64 posted on 10/25/2003 7:12 AM PDT by veronica ("I just realised I have a perfect part for you in "Terminator 4"....)
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To: veronica
The other thing is: it may well be accurate that we are not at war with Islam, but it is undeniable that Islam is at war with us.
66 posted on 10/25/2003 7:15 AM PDT by B Knotts
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: chatham
Is Bush talking about the same Muslims I read about who are Killing and maiming thousands of Innocent People all over the world.
Maybe this is another example of bad Intel information?
Apparently Bush, and others in this forum are (deliberately?) ignorant of one of the favorite chants of the Palestinians used when they protest in the streets?
Oh, the chat goes like this: "First the Saturday people, and then the Sunday people."
(And they aren't talking about selling them lottery tickets at their gas stations, either.)
71 posted on 10/25/2003 7:23 AM PDT by BenR2 ((John 3:16: Still True Today.))
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To: CWOJackson
They aren't worth the dust on a single Muslim soldier's boots.
Like the Muslim soldier who threw a hand grenade into the tent of his officers? Yes, we're SO unworthy of him!
79 posted on 10/25/2003 7:35 AM PDT by Teacher317
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To: BenR2
BenR2, President Bush simply can not say that the war on terror is Christianity vs. Islam. He simply can't. One, it isn't wholely true. It's the entire world vs. Islam. And if you look closely at what Bush, Blair, and other world leaders have said, you don't need to nit-pick through the words: the war on terror IS against Islam. To specifically call out a religion would not only isolate the United States, but many of our allies as well. As much as we hate it, myself included, there is no way the President of the United States- no matter who it is, will ever specifically say a war is against a religion. Let the actions speak louder than the words.
BTW, as the leader of the free world, do you really think President Bush would ever say what you want him to say? Realistically? I'd bet a dime to donuts that privately, Bush the *man* can't stand Islam. But you'll never hear Bush the *President* say it.
To me, when the President says militant Islam, it is still Islam. And you can bet that's why most Moslems can't stand Bush now. Because they know that he is targeting their religion, whether he's targeting them as peaceful followers or not. Detante is a clever game of what is said and what isn't said. And to me, what isn't said is far more powerful than stating the obvious.
80 posted on 10/25/2003 7:40 AM PDT by rintense
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To: CWOJackson
I know I am a bigot but i don't really care for people that fast, pray and commit themselves to killing me and everyone like me.
I know, I know...can't jusdge 'em all by a helluva lot of them...but just damn...when is the last time you heard someone say "I have lots of muslin friends, my best friend is a muslim and we hiave him and his family over for bbq every sunday right after church.
81 posted on 10/25/2003 7:41 AM PDT by cajun-jack
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To: CWOJackson
Of those 13,000 serving, 5 or 6 are traitors, and from experience I can tell you many are "objectors".
They pulled that "CO" crap for Gulf War 1, and again in Somalia, and Bosnia.
Without fail.
Islam is a death cult.
We need to help them fulfill thier fantasy of dying for allah.
86 posted on 10/25/2003 8:00 AM PDT by Stopislamnow (It will be too late when we're all dead. And the way our government is going, it'll be soon.)
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To: sarcasm
President Bush says Islam is a peaceful religion that has helped shape the character of the United States
This is getting f***ing ridiculous. What total and utter bulls***.
islam is filthy, murderous, cult of death whose target are Jews and Christians.
93 posted on 10/25/2003 8:15 AM PDT by tubavil
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