He made it quite clear tonight that the No Spin Zone doesn't really endorse boycots, becasue they can hurt people, well, except for France. Oh and Eminen. And Ludacris. And Kill Bill. And Gangsta Rap. And Pepsi. And Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And Canada. And China, And The Red Cross And NPR... ooops, sorry he just asked that everyone write in to bitch about him being slighted... Anyway...
CBS is going to air a not too flattering look at Reagan, someone who O'Reilly says that Americans have an emotional tie to. He DID tell the guy from boycotcbs.com that they chould eait to see what changes are made first tot he flick before they call for an all out boycot. Kinda late if you ask me since the website is up and running. Could it be that No Spinster is covering his ass by saying they shouldn't boycot, over and over, to drive home the point that his "followers" should do just that. That's the impression I got from his piece tonight.
I hope everyone writes, calls, e-mails CBS in SUPPORT of them airing the piece AS IS. Maybe id CBS gets enough positive feedback, it will tell O'Reilly in no uncertain terms that folks are boycotting his crap. And as he would say, That's not ridiculous.