With all the lies of this regime, the one thing they've been able to do is avoid what I call the "soundbite lie"...or the "gotcha". Exhibit One: I did not have...<you know the rest>. When I've discussed the lies of this regime, especially with those who think "Dubya's a nice guy/patriot/leader" it takes a lot of explaining.
Try explaining the Haliburton connections or even the Wilson affair in 100 words or less. You can't do it. It's too complex and can't be burned in. Yesterday's lie...so blatant and visual is a major Rove blunder. Actually, I don't know which will be viewed as worse...the Top Gun show on the Lincoln or that rushed and Nixonian press conference yesterday that looks like it ignited this thing. Nora O'Donnell's Rather to WhittleAss' Nixon was chilling and thrilling to watch.
It will be interesting to see how far and long this lie will play. Just like Rush, this is so overt that even the deepest knuckle-dragger can't miss how it. Now that "Mission Accomplished" banner is becoming a symbol of this regime's failure, and *'s lie about it yesterday was like throwing a large flood light on both the lie and the reality of this disasterous Iraq invasion...Bush's War!!!!
We now have the finger wag...that image that people will see (and the cable networks...sans Faux...will show over and over again) in conjunction with any Iraq/Bush controversy. It's the "graphic" you'll see behind the chatterers and always flashed when something goes wrong in Iraq and Dubya attempts to spin his way out of it.
Hopefully the DNC will not let this image fade...it's a theme to build on...the visual image that could, and should, ruin any credibility this regime has with that critical "middle" that will have the ultimate say if this national nightmare continues for another 4 years.