Like we didn't see this coming a mile away... They rag on CSPAN too!
Reply 6 - Posted by: pomom, 10/28/2003 6:59:19 AM
Perhaps it never occurred to Cher that these soldiers didin't want a photo op with the President at this time during their healing. And another thing, if he did, I'm sure the leftist media would say the President's exploiting them.
These celebrities can't just go do their good work for the day and shut up about it. They have that driving need to get their name or photo in the news. I'm glad she visited the troops but give me a break.
Reply 15 - Posted by: Moonspinner, 10/28/2003 8:12:31 AM
I cannot stand Cher. What did it for me was after Sonny died. She gives the eulogy at his funeral and then sues his estate for money she said is owed her by him. This woman is worth millions, Sonny left a widow with two small children, and Cher wants her cut of the pie. What a _________(rhymes with witch).
Reply 16 - Posted by: SAVA, 10/28/2003 8:13:49 AM
Unlike the clebs, soldiers know that the war is not about THEM (the soldiers). The clebs just cannot abide being upstaged by anything, or anyone. In this case they have been upstaged by history and by a courageous President who also knows it is NOT ABOUT HIM.
Reply 17 - Posted by: Katie Corrupt, 10/28/2003 8:18:10 AM
This disturbs me. An egocentric celebrity who is messed-up herself at the bedside of wounded soldiers. Cher invested so much of her reputation on saying the war was wrong so why visit soldiers who fought this war she didn't want? Recovering soldiers need people who encourage and uplift them at their bedside not people who put doubts in their minds about the mission and who are pushing an agenda.
Reply 21 - Posted by: EAJ1, 10/28/2003 9:14:36 AM
I thought I was the only one who had tuned out C-Span, which I did a long time ago. It is now a completely left wing boring TV mouth. The two worst, are the feckless, non smiling, nasty women (one who lost half a ton and tubed her glasses but not her wretched personality). The only time I tune in is when they cover a state dinner and since the Bushes don't hold one every other day like the Clintoons, that ain't often. That Cher had to wait is sad by of no concern. No one would have known without this article being posted.
Reply 22 - Posted by: Stymie, 10/28/2003 9:19:32 AM
Who dialed the phone for her?
Reply 28 - Posted by: cousair, 10/28/2003 10:42:32 AM
I was in Palm Springs when Bono was buried there and when Cher came in with her hangers on, the show stopped and Cher took over. The Desert Sun,(local paper) couldn't get enough of her. It was a hard on Sunny's wife, Mary, and their kids and noone missed it. Cher is what she is, an entertainer. She has nothing but negative nasty remarks for President Bush without even knowing what is really going on in the war, just like a lot of Hollywood. They all seem to have no memory of 9/11 and the three thousand folks who died on the streets of New York. Blame America First seems to be the words they always use.
Reply 29 - Posted by: SAVA, 10/28/2003 10:43:29 AM
If she has one more face lift, she'll have a beard.
Reply 33 - Posted by: cousair, 10/28/2003 11:05:56 AM
Reply 31: Just try getting in on CSPAN on the conservative line. I keep track when I watch and it is a liberal call three times to one conservative. They TAKE public tax money, yours and mine and do this without impunity. Libs always rule when they get the mike.....keep track and see.
Reply 34 - Posted by: Kris k., 10/28/2003 11:15:12 AM
This is a chick who -- by her own admission -- once thought Mount Rushmore was a natural phenomenon.
Cher is dumber than a box of rocks. You'd think someone as old as she is would've wised up a little.
Reply 35 - Posted by: Yorkiemom, 10/28/2003 11:15:50 AM
We must always remember that libs like Cher CARE more than the rest of us do. They have SO much more compassion, and we have no hearts.
Dims just cheat and lie more and can always get around rules, so they call in on all three C-Span lines. Brian Lamb should be sick about what's happened to C-Span.
Reply 40 - Posted by: Penney, 10/28/2003 12:49:34 PM
She watches c-span, bbc and world link?!!! Well there's the problem. ...She could add a little FOX, a lot of Rush & Hannity, plus OF COURSE Lucianne.com for some obviously much needed, "balance!"
She wants more pictures of the President? He has been out of the country for awhile but had a lengthy press conference just this morning which was shown on FOX. Remember, he's a President who takes his oath of office seriously, not an entertainer who craves the spotlight & a camera, Cher.
Reply 41 - Posted by: voldurey, 10/28/2003 12:54:05 PM
#31 - watch for another trick several of their monitors (or whatever you call them use). Count the times they seem to 'lose' the connection just when a conservative caller is starting to make a good point. They then pretend to try to get them back, then go on to the next call - which is of course on the liberal line, so we end up getting two liberals in a row. Funny, they never lose the connection when talking on the liberal line. If they were 'fair and balanced' when they lose a connection they would take another on the same line.
Reply 43 - Posted by: aquilegia, 10/28/2003 1:24:14 PM
Remember Cher "using" that Navy ship for her disgusting porn shots with ribbons on her whatzatzis's? Yeah, she does it "for the boys" all right. She does it for her bank account and her pathetic needy ego!
She is an ancient dim bulb who will go anywhere she can find a captive audience, cause able would people run away.
I did volunteer work at Fitzsimons Army Hospital in Denver during the Vietnam War. In those days we read and wrote letters for the wounded. It is heartbreaking when young men are injured like that. But, it never made me hate the President.
Did you know that Cher didn't even finish high school? I guess when you know it all, education isn't necessary.
Reply 46 - Posted by: pineledger, 10/28/2003 5:23:36 PM
Hey 29, that's nasty. But very much in the spirit of my take on this.
I ask myself, would I want this as an acquaintance? I think not.
Reply 47 - Posted by: Sharkstooth, 10/28/2003 5:37:49 PM
#9's comment is worth repeating: "where was her anger at the SOBs who inflicted these wounds on our soldiers?" What? Is she clueless about THE ENEMY? Instead of using our wounded as an excuse to bash "Cheney, Wolfowitz, Bremer, the president", she could have used her air-time to say that THE ENEMY is a bunch of ruthless, blood-thirsty islamofascists who hate everything and everyone American and who would kill HER in a NY minute if they had the chance." "Excuse me, but it's difficult to look at an aging entertainer who has been plasticized, nipped, tucked and re-packaged a dozen times and believe that, deep down, she's genuine." Cher is a stupid pig and she used these wounded soldiers to endear herself to her leftist Hollywood anti-American pals and fawning fans. She hasn't got a compassionate thought in her empty head.
Reply 48 - Posted by: mswol17, 10/28/2003 5:52:34 PM
Real DemocRATS (the everyday folk) are too damn STUPID to actually watch C-SPAN; The constant drumbeat of the seminar callers got to be too much to take.
Reply 49 - Posted by: jimmyboy1, 10/28/2003 7:31:37 PM
37 nailed the most important sentiment.
"Aid and comfort to the enemy": ever hear of it??
I used to fantasize about Ann Coulter showing up at my door with a flat tire in front of my house. Now I know that I would love her to death...and the world would lose....
Reply 50 - Posted by: jamnjelly, 10/28/2003 7:47:17 PM
i rarely watch cspan anymore but did catch part of her call... he gave her soooo much time, it was sickening. had to leave
Reply 51 - Posted by: TwoSistas, 10/28/2003 7:49:11 PM
I hope they made her wear a bag over head. (Refer to Awful Plastic Surgery.com).
I wonder if her ass was covered. Sorry, I just can't stand her.
Reply 54 - Posted by: Schwalbe, 10/28/2003 10:28:16 PM
#41 is so right!! I thought I was the only one wondering why repub/conservative calls mysteriously get disconnected. I noticed that the 1st day I tried watching after leaving for 2 years. Maybe in another 2 years I'll try again.
As for Cher, David Letterman said it best about 10 years ago after Paul complemented her. 'Come on Paul! Cher has more plastic on her than a damn Corvette.