Edited on Wed Oct-29-03 10:53 AM by cryingshame
Al Sharpton made some comments about Dean's stance on Affirmative Action. These comments were prompted by Jessie Jackson Junior's endorsement of Dean. Donna Brazile has commented on this turn of events, and I'm now seeing DU'ers quoting her defense of Dean.
My reason for posting this is to point out to what can happen when Democrats attack other Democrats... whether it's Sharpton's inflammatory rhetoric when speaking of a candidate's stance on AA or DU'ers flaming Donna Brazile for being a Board Member dominated by Arch Neo-Conservatives.
Perhaps we, including myself, can try less for the Smackdown and more for a Pragmatic View.
"Donna Brazile, Al Gore's campaign manager in 2000, has joined Rep. Jesse L. Jackson and Rep. Major R. Owens by praising Governor Dean's record in response to the latest attacks:
"I think Dean's record on civil rights issues, on affirmative action -- his willingness to talk about race in a very inclusive way -- has been refreshing," said Brazile, who is African American. "These long-shot candidates, all they're doing is taking aim at the top tier because they're frustrated..."
Now in the past, MANY Du'ers bash Donna Brazille because she is on the board of the Foundation For the Defense of Democracies along with Gingrich, Woolsey, J. Kirkpatrick, Gary Gauer Bill Kristol, Perle, JD Hayworth.
She also does lunch with Karl Rove
Some have claimed she was a Mole in Gore's campaign.
I have defended Brazile in the past... other Democrats have had lunch with Rove, and there are a few High Profile Democrats on the FDD Board along with Brazile...
But still, the exquisite irony of seeing her name used in defending Howard Dean when so many Du'ers including Dean supporters have gone the extra mile to smear Brazile!
Perhaps we can use this as a lesson in Diplomacy. :)