Edited on Wed Oct-29-03 02:50 PM by spindoctor
Although still plagued by spastic chuckles.
I'd like to start with the term "more free". Coming from the man who (also yesterday) used the word 'suiciders' in reference to people who commit suicide, it is clear that this President has a vivid imagination when it comes to the English language. Being foreign-born and often struggling with language issues myself, I truly sympathize with the poor fellow. I also think better of the American people for granting him these little slips. After all, we all know that the proper comparative adjective for free is freer and that there is no such thing as a suicider, but because we know what he intents to say, we let it slide. What bothers me is that whatever member of the White House staff is in charge of the transcripts is not as forgiving. This person relentlessly copies these silly little sins against the English language in the annals of our history. But then I think "Why not?” After all, American moved away from 'the Queen's English' centuries ago. And if the Common World has their 'Queen's English', then we are bloody well entitled to our 'President's English'. By Jove, if our President says its 'more free' then 'more free' it is and anybody who disagrees with that can go suicide.
But there is one thing that I find hard to understand. When the world becomes more free, how less free was it first and how much more free will it have to become before it is all the way free. And when we compare the freeness of this world, what do we compare it to? Certainly we are the freest world considering the fact that we are the only world. Granted, that makes us the least free world at the same time, but that is a glass-half-full glass-half-empty judgement on the approach of the issue. Most likely (although who knows), President Bush compares the world’s freeness on a time scale, and when he says “the world is more free”, he compares it to a previous state of free, that the world was in at some time in the past. This time of freelessness is defined by the President as the time before his leadership. To not overcomplicate the issue any further, I will assume that the leadership he refers to is the leadership of the Administration of the United States and not the cheerleadership that Mr. Bush practiced during his college days, even though being captain of the team made him a cheerleader-leader, which was, from a linguistic point of view, twice the leadership he practices today. This means that the world was a less free world during the time that William Clinton was President of the United States, but also that the world was less free during the presidency of George (Herbert Walker) Bush. More so, when dinosaurs dwelt the earth, this world’s freeness was nothing compared to the freeness that we experience today.
Now surely members of the Administration will argue that the President was referring to the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am not so sure, but I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Yes, the Afghanis are freer today then they were four years ago. Four years ago they were forced to follow the rule of the Taliban, today they are free to follow the rule of the US. Four years ago they were forced to be Muslim, today they are free to be Muslim. Four years ago, they were forced to burn down their poppy-fields. Today they are free to grow whatever agricultural product will give them the biggest return on investment, poppies or cannabis. Four years ago, a woman was executed in public for screwing around on her husband. Today, the women of Afghanistan are free to screw around on as many husbands as they want. Four years ago, Afghanis were certainly less free than they are today. They owe that all to the King of Free, the Majesty of Liberty, the Don of Freedom, the Voice of Choice, George Whatever Bush.
Yes folks, you people in Europe may think that the fall of the USSR made Germany freer, that people in Bosnia are freer now then they were under Chauchesku or that removal of internal borders has made your life freer, but nothing….nothing ever raised the level of freeness of this world, like that glorious day when Mullah Omar, riding shotgun with his evilness Osama Bin Laden, rode off in the sunset, never to be seen again.
Next week, boys and girls, we will talk about how father Bush made the world a more peaceful place. Sweet dreams for now.