Edited on Wed Oct-29-03 03:04 PM by jokerman2004
We live in a time when the sophistication of massive social engineering through the media has reached unprecedented levels of precision and pervasiveness. There seems to be an entirely new manufactured breed of Americans out there who've managed to internalized a dangerous equivalence between "True American" nationalism, messianic Christian radicalism and the draconian ideology of the extreme right.
From the point of view of the powerful, when one is able to politically blur the line between the sanctity of a person's soul and the agenda of those that govern -- one has a very, very powerful weapon for mass control.
A religion/politics equivalence in the psyche of poorly informed or minimally educated citizens results in a morally confused, easily manipulated populus.
For example, as some other threads have suggested. The proposed new constitutional “marriage” amendment, as I see it, is really about something much larger than regulating civil union between non-traditional partners. It's not merely anti-gay. It's worse. It's about defining legitimacy and controlling accessibilty to the centers of power in American society.
As an aside, who thinks Gen. Boykin's remarks were an accident? I think his statements were publicized as a calculated nudge and wink to all the Christian radicals out there who are unquestioningly supporting the new political front represented by the Bush administration and it's frankly fascistic policies.
These so-called "Christian conservatives" are people who have no problem with plans that have no tomorrow, and thay are the most likely political base to ensure a neo-conservative re-election.
This is about control by those who've sold their souls to a politically engineered (but merely implied) state religion based on the worst kinds of intolerance and ethnocultural-centricities.
End of tin-foil rant!