Bush Says He Sees No Need in Iraq for Adding G.I.'s
--New York Times Storyline
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/29/politics/29PREX.html?ex=1068396966&ei=1&en=213bcac940384b90Nations retreat from troop commitments
--Christian Science Monitor Storyline
http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/1028/dailyUpdate.htmlBush warns Iraq neighbours:US President George W Bush has warned Iran and Syria not to let terrorists cross into Iraq from their territory.
--BBC News Storyline
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3220451.stm.......Making threats to other countries about border crossings sounds like a situation where you don't have enough troops on the ground to prevent that from happening.
Yet Bush continually states that he doesn't need anymore troops in Iraq. Meanwhile, prior troop committments from other countries are beginning to go sour.
At what point does it become a political defeat to have to admit that the war is not won, there is no "mission accomplished", and that significant numbers of nre troops will be needed to "secure the peace".