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So, What if Our Nominee Presented This to the Public??

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Starpass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-29-03 08:34 PM
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So, What if Our Nominee Presented This to the Public??
I think I have a brilliant I wish that our nominee would use this because I believe it backs Bush into a corner he doesn't want to be in.

Our candidate will constantly have a mike shoved in his face and an obnoxious media whore saying in essence, "so, Big Mouth, what's your brilliant ideas on Iraq?". Here's what I would like the candidate to say:

It's a two part statement---the first has to made to clear up another lie/misinformation the public has. I'm very convinced lately that the general public believes that the $87 billion is a one time bill for Iraq. So, first the candidate has to put down a base by saying: "The American people are concerned about the $87 billion because they know it's only convers 12 months of costs and, therefore, they know Pres. Bush will be back every Fall asking for as much or more for Iraq." Then the candidate makes the following proposal:

"The American people are right to feel uneasy about this because they see such growing needs in our nation and are becoming increasingly afraid that we will never be able to address our own problems with such tremendous amounts of money flowing out of this country. Therefore, my first act as president is to get a bill through Congress which dictates that for every dollar allocated for Iraq, $10 (or $5 or an equal amount)must be allocated here at home to address those problems--like universal healthcare, education, infastructure, shoring up ss/medicare etc."!!

Tell me, folks, what is Bush's reply going to be?? Is he going to say we have a moral obligation to help Iraq but NOT our own citizens?? Is he going to say that the American people do not deserve to have their own tax money spent on them??? Does he tell Americans that an Iraqi is more important than a useless American?? I'd like to see him have to address this. There will be voters who will think it's a cool way to get needed money here in the US of A; and there will also be those who may not quite agree, but because of the greed the repukes have preached to them for years, will have thoughts dart through their minds about how "we" (read that as me, me, me) are not getting anything out of this but one damn big bill. It would really highlight how Bush has Americans dead last on his list. Will he put up for Americans??...of course not and by then Americans are going to be furious that no one is paying attention to our growing problems.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-29-03 08:40 PM
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1. Heheh...your mind should be considered a
Edited on Wed Oct-29-03 09:11 PM by blm
national treasure.

I think that's a solid proposal, Starpass. On edit: You can even propose spending 2 or 3 dollars to every 1 spent there, and also factor in the difference in populations.
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livinontheedge Donating Member (232 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-29-03 08:43 PM
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2. $87 billion is less than 1% of GDP
I don't think we would have a problem spending $87 billion times 5 on America.
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Goldmund Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-29-03 08:47 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. It's also 10 times the budget of the EPA.
You shouldn't compare it with total GDP, but with how much money is spent on the equivalent in the US.
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livinontheedge Donating Member (232 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-29-03 08:50 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. You lost me. $87 billion is a tiny fraction of our total budget.
Edited on Wed Oct-29-03 08:59 PM by livinontheedge
That's all I am saying. If the poster wants to spend $5 or $10 on America for every $1 spent on Iraq, that should be absolutely, positively no problem. Bush should agree to it.
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whathappened Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-29-03 08:43 PM
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3. i like it
can we get them to do something like this , eyes need to be opened and dreams of our country need to be refreshed , so this country can get back on track again , we are stuck in a mud hole with jr. leading us all right after him and we don't have 4 wheel drive to get us out , why can't the american people see this boy for what he is , nothing
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