Donald Luskin Is a Stalker
Atrios at
Eschaton has been threatened with legal action by none other than the utterly worthless
Donald Luskin. I'm so jealous!
Luskin, a complete waste of human protoplasm who makes a living by slandering the most excellent Paul Krugman, apparently was offended by something Atrios posted on October 7. And all it was was a header, "Diary of a Stalker," followed by a link to Luskin's web page, in which Luskin admitted to seeking out a Paul Krugman book signing.
So Luskin's lawyers
wrote to Atrios and his web publisher with the threat of a suit if they don't remove the offending blog, along with some comments from others about the blog. The lawyers say they will take legal action. This includes issuing a subpoena to Blogger to get Atrios's real identity.
Considering that Luskin should have had several restraining orders put on him long before now -- this is rich.
Orcinus puts it,
What's especially bizarre about this case is the spectacle of a guy who makes his living making personal attacks on a respected economist -- many of which, frankly, border on the libelous -- turning around and suing someone for being critical of his behavior. Then again, we've always known that conservatives can dish it out, but can't take it.
Luskin has just proven definitively that he has no business being a blogger himself. He has earned a complete freezeout from the rest of the blogosphere -- because, of course, we now all run the risk of being sued by the guy for even mentioning his name or opining on his work, not to mention allowing others to comment on it. Anyone who links to this cretin henceforth should be shunned as well.
A few weeks ago we bloggers ridiculed Faux News's suit of Al Franken by putting "Fair and Balanced" on our blogs. I propose that we all write "Donald Luskin Is a Stalker" on our blogs at least once a day. But don't link to his blog; link to this
Trend Macrolytics page that includes Luskin's photo (Luskin is Chief Investment Officer). What do you think?