A Big Union Feather In Dean's Cap The AFL-CIO's largest union is about to back the "bottom-up" candidate, whose newfound blue-collar support is a big blow to Dick Gephardt
Howard Dean's Presidential ambitions are poised to get a major lift on Nov. 6 when the AFL-CIO's largest union, the 1.3 million member Service Employees International Union, is set to endorse him, BusinessWeek has learned. The SEIU's action, coming shortly after Dean won pledges from two small unions, the International Union of Painters and the California Teachers Assn., goes a long way toward completing the transformation of the former Vermont governor from a niche candidate backed by limousine liberals, antiwar activists, and tech-savvy young people into a mainstream candidate who can also connect with blue-collar America. Says SEIU President Andy Stern: "It's clear that Dean has gained the most support amongst our members and local leaders."
The SEIU's move would effectively kill AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney's efforts to gather labor behind Dean rival Representative Dick Gephardt (D-Mo.). Until the painters and the teachers acted on Oct. 27, Gephardt, a staunch union ally during his quarter-century in Congress, had a virtual lock on labor leaders. But with the exception of the Teamsters and the United Food & Commercial Workers, most of the 20 unions that have come out for the St. Louis lawmaker so far are smaller or less politically powerful ones. They are also mostly industrial unions, which feel the strongest debt to Gephardt. Many larger service-sector unions have been holding back, willing to sacrifice loyalty to Gephardt to be on the winning team.
Now, AFSCME is seriously considering Dean, as are several other unions, including the Communications Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, insiders say. "Iowa is a race between Gephardt and Dean, and Gerry
can really help deliver there," says Washington labor consultant Vic Kamber. If more unions come on board, their clout could help give Dean an edge in contests beyond Iowa. Maybe the decisive edge.
"Howard Dean is about to take another huge step toward winning the Democratic nomination," Ryan Lizza writes in the New Republic (link to come tomorrow). "According to union officials and aides to several campaigns, it is nearly certain that the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) will endorse Dean next week. This may sound like just another obscure piece of campaign inside baseball, but the endorsement could transform the race."
Editor's Note: I have now heard this same intelligence from several informed Political Wire readers in the last 24 hours. The endorsement is expected on November 6th. Rep. Dick Gephardt's campaign is working frantically to get the union to delay the decision.