With millions of Americans having already lost their jobs,many more working in menial fields just to get by,not counting the millions who are afraid of having their jobs cut, moved overseas,outsourced,not to mention those afraid of the declining health care system,and retirees fearful of losing all they have worked for in an Enron type scam while the architechs of their misery continue to remain free,their fortunes largely intact,this seems a shaky tactic at best.Are they waiting for their big tax breaks for billionaires to lift all boats?
Hasn't happened yet,and my four extra dollars per pay period is giving me small solace in what I see as a looming collapse of our economic system.Our economic system is in need of a dramatic overhaul and I don't know if we'll be able to vote in the people willing to take up the challenge.
At one time American business was composed of three strong links:management,labor,and the stockholders.Obviously,management now feels beholden only to the stockholders(and by stockholders I mean those with huge blocks of stock,not slim portfolios).
Yeah,they'd better do a little work(PR) on this issue.To think that they feel Iraq is their solid position is laughable;it's every bit as shaky as the economy,but I'm tired and about ranted out.