Read this, it was published by a member of the right-wing PNAC group. The one Cheney,
Bush, Wolfowitz, Perle, Kristol, etc. are all in.
In exit polls after the New Hampshire Republican primary, 13 percent of voters declared
"world affairs" the most important issue in the campaign. If that doesn't sound like much, then
consider this: "Social Security/Medicare," the monster domestic issues, were also cited by 13
percent. A mere 6 percent cited "education"; another six cited "abortion." Only "moral values"
and "taxes" came in ahead of "world affairs," and the latter just barely.
That quote is from this letter:
The Biggest Issue of All
by Robert Kagan
February 15, 2000 If we actually had a liberal media, how come none of this is ever reported on CNN or MSNBC or
FOX or CBS or NBC or ABC ?
Nobody in the media ever reported that only 13 percent of republicans care about social security
or medicare. And nobody in the media ever reported that only 6 percent of republicans care about
education or abortion. Yet we are given the impression (by the so-called liberal media) that all
republicans care about social security/medicare/education/abortion.
When in fact they don't give a rats ass about any of those issues. And you can bet your ass the
media knows the truth, yet they don't report it.
The above quote I posted blows my mind, not that it's true, that nobody knows it. I knew it, and a
few people on the net knew it. But overall most americans do not know that the republicans just
claim to support those issues to get votes. Especially education and abortion, I suspect a lot of
americans know republicans oppose social security and medicare. But this quote is proof they do,
and proof they just use education and abortion for political reasons. Bush and the republican
politicians go on tv and tell the world they support social security, medicare, and education, and that
they oppose abortion. While at the same time exit polls show that 87 to 94 percent of republicans
don't give a rats ass about any of these issues.
We know the vast majority of democrats actually support those issues, they believe in them, they
don't just support them to get votes.
Yet the republicans just say they do for votes. This is a bombshell story, yet the media never says
a word about it. If we actually had a liberal media this news would be all over CNN, MSNBC, CBS,
ABC, and NBC, right ?
This is a huge political story, yet none of the media ever reported it. And this exit poll was taken
after the 2000 republican primary. So it has been around for 3 years.
If O'Reilly was a real journalist he would report information like this. But we know he would never
report this if his life depended on it. Even the so-called liberal media don't report it, if I can find it
don't you think a highly funded news outlet could find it ?
We should all mail the above quote to the media and demand they report it. If you do, make sure
you include the url to the source at PNAC.