http://www.boston.com/news/world/middleeast/articles/2003/10/30/projected_iraq_oil_costs_up_sharply/Projected Iraq oil costs up sharply
By Stephen J. Glain, Globe Staff, 10/30/2003
WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration has doubled the value of a contract to rebuild Iraq's oil industry, to $2 billion, sharply driving up the projected cost of restoring the country's prewar capacity.
The decision gave fresh ammunition to critics of the president's postwar policies and came as questions surfaced about whether the franchise now held by a subsidiary of Halliburton Co., the oil giant once led by Vice President Dick Cheney, will be expanded to include the development of virgin petroleum fields. The subsidiary, Kellogg Brown & Root Services, was originally hired to help rebuild Iraq's petroleum sector.
"Mission creep is occurring in Iraq," said Representative Henry Waxman, Democrat of California. "The administration says its goal is to repair war damage, but its budget request shows it wants taxpayer dollars to build projects that have nothing to do with repairing war damage, such as constructing an entirely new oil refinery."
This was front page on the Boston Globe today.