These are some letters that have been published in my local paper, the Beaumont Enterprise, over the last few days. I thought they might make for some entertaining reading. Enjoy!
Here is what some wingnut from Jasper wrote last Monday before last:
Liberals show pure hatred of Bush in lust to regain power
Remember when George W. Bush was campaigning for President and talking about the economy going bad? The liberals and their media were screaming that just his talk was causing it. Now that same pack is constantly screaming even louder trying to keep it down. Even more serious and disgusting is the consistent undermining of this administration's efforts to bring stability to Iraq. If they don't already know, other people are telling them that the terrorists (freedom fighters to liberals) are trying to get us to give up and go home so they can take over again. They have to know their sorry actions only encourage terrorists to keep fighting and killing our boys. Some are even demanding we get out, like Bill Clinton did in Somalia. Liberals, as we all know, are against hate and pass anti-hate laws. How can they explain the naked hatred they display against our president if all they feel is love? Naturally they hate him for overcoming their elaborate scheme to steal the Presidency from him. Their tolerance they boast of is only for liberals and liberal programs. They have no tolerance for tax cuts, smaller government, conservatives, our culture and religion except Islam in some cases. Constantly attacking our culture of morals and decency, they impose new standards and laws to force their own degenerate subculture on the nation's majority. In their obsessive drive to regain power, they have abandoned just about any semblance of decency or patriotism they may have had.
Wingnut from Jasper
Here is my response to this brilliant author that appeared in last Monday's Enterprise.
Liberals will benefit from ultraconservative spouting venom
I've been a faithful reader of the Enterprise's "Readers Write" section for several years now, and I must say I've never read a letter quite as hateful, false, and downright bizarre as James Moore's recent screed concerning what seems to be his favorite bogeyman, "liberals." If you were lucky enough to miss his letter, Moore believes liberals use the media they run to encourage terrorists, whom they consider freedom fighters, to kill American soldiers, spread the Muslim religion, steal elections, and hurt the economy. Moore's statements are so asinine on their face that they merit no refutation; they deserve repeating if only to illustrate how ridiculously delusional his views really are. Moore has apparently been knocked so senseless from beating up on "straw-man" liberals that he now believes his extremist views are somehow consistent with the majority of Americans and thus representative of "our" culture. He also shows himself to be unfathomably oblivious to his own hypocrisy: exhibiting a frightening dosage of blind, misguided hatred of liberals, expressed through numerous blanker generalizations, in a letter complaining about how hateful and intolerant liberals are. Perhaps it's only an unsuccessful attempt at irony, but I somehow doubt that. Since I'm a liberal, I'm sure Moore believes I "hate" him, but that is hardly the case. His paranoia and venom is useful in that it illustrates ultraconservative idiocy so well that reading it can only produce more converts to a liberal political philosophy. Way to go, Mr. Moore!
My grandma(!) also wrote a nice response to the wingnut that appeared on the same day:
Moore's rant against liberals shows his selective memory
I wonder if James Moore (Readers Write, Monday) also remembers the hatred shown our previous president when conservatives and "their media" constantly screamed their epithets? Does he happen to remember how shocked conservatives were when the hillbilly from Arkansas dared to defeat their elite organization, and how many schemes they devised to discredit and impeach Bill Clinton? What kind of spite do their denizens still show with their claims that everything wrong in the world today was caused by Bill Clinton? It seems to me that Moore's memory is very selective. If he is as decent and moral as he claims, he must see that his diatribe against liberals show the same kind of contempt and hatred he so deplores in others.
Last_Texas_Dem's grandma
A couple of days ago, this awesome response showed up:
Despite being demonized, liberals have proud record
I was amazed to read the letter by James Moore on Oct. 20. This man has a hatred for all liberals and probably doesn't even realize it. I have noticed that all Republicans are now using four-letter words in front of the word "liberals." As far as the stealing of the election by Democrats, the last election was stolen by Republicans in Florida. What is a "liberal"? If helping the poor here and around the world is liberal, then I'm a liberal. If feeding men, women and children around the world is liberal, then I'm a liberal. If trying to get insurance for children, older people, and the sick in this country is liberal, then I'm a liberal. Giving tax cuts to the rich and stopping programs such as Head Start, Medicare, and CHIP is not what liberals believe in. We believe in helping our neighbors, not stealing pension money and going against the law and middle-class people who struggle to make ends meet. When it comes to patriotism, I was a Marine in the Philippines, along with thousands of other men who are now 75 to 80 years of age, and I wonder how many men (including the president) in this administration served in the military? Love for all people, liberal and conservative alike, should be the theme of everyday life in America. After all, the greatest man who ever lived was a liberal. His name was Jesus.
Liberal from Beaumont
Oh yeah, and this delicious response to my letter appeared in today's Enterprise:
Leftist Dems will guarantee further Republican domination
My good friend and fellow letter writer **Last_Texas_Dem** has done it again. He described conservative letter writer James Moore as hateful, bizarre, asinine, delusional, oblivious, hypocritical, paranoid, venomous, and idiotic. He concludes with "I'm sure Moore believes I hate him, but that is hardly the case." Yeah, right! For too long the extreme left has been allowed to spout anything and everything without being called on it. No more. To the good southern Democrats, your silence has allowed the extreme left to highjack your party. Note the difference between Democrat and extreme leftist. I believe the lefty fanatics in your party will nominate former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, who has no chance fo beating George W. Bush. As long as you allow Dean to be your standard-bearer and **Last_Texas_Dem** to be your mouthpiece, the Republican rise to power that Bill Clinton engineered in 1994 will continue continue to strengthen. It's your choice. I wish Howie and **shortened form of my name that I never actually go by** all the luck in the world. They are good for the Republican party and good for America.
Wingut from Lumberton
FWIW, we are *not* actually "good friends"; we have an ongoing feud via letters to the editor, and this dude is one sarcastic old curmudgeon. I also find it amusing that the Wingnut assumes I'm an "extreme leftist", simply because I'm a liberal. I have a feeling the only "Democrats" he finds acceptable are Zell Miller-league. It's also interesting that he assumes because I'm "extreme left" I am a Deanie. Though I'm not a Dean supporter, I find it odd that he is so certain Dean couldn't beat Bush.
Anyway, if anyone wants to chime in on this discussion for the fun of it, send your letter to the Beaumont Enterprise at ttaschinger@hearstnp.com Include your name, address, and phone # and keep 'em at 250 words or less.