My issues and some explanations. These are in no particular order, since depending on my mood, the importance can vary. Health care and job creation are numbers 1 and 2 and I think they're tied.
Health care: It's not a luxury, but some people seem to think it is. With so many workers putting in their 40 hours a week at temp jobs or splitting them between more than 1 part time job, these are the people who can least afford to get sick, and when they do, they're screwed. We need a national health care system so that we all can have health care when we need it. Health insurance companies are making obscene profits and it's not going to the doctors or to research.
Job Creation: Full time with benfits positions, temp jobs and part time work doesn't count. It also won't count if it pays so little that the worker has to take a second job just to have enough to pay the rent. And who pays for employers who won't pay their workers enough? We all do, with our tax dollars going to section 8 housing and food shelves. These are worthy places for our tax dollars to go, but a company with huge profits has no business expecting the taxpayers to pick up the slack for their unwillingness to pay a living wage and provide benefits.
Taxes: Cut taxes on EARNED income, increase taxes on UNEARNED income. Exempt unearned inheritances if the inheritance is a family business or a farm. Exempt it if all it does is pay for the funeral. Exempt inheritances up to 150,000. Capital gains taxes can certainly increase, this is someone making money off your labor and if they get enough from it, they don't have to do any work themselves. Tax it.
Repeal Patriot Act: The civil liberties our nation was founded on make our country great. The USA Patriot act was a perfect example of America Freaks Out and was ill considered and much of it is unConstitutional.
Keep the law out of my uterus: No judge or lawyer knows my life history, nor do I want them to. Trust me to make my own choices that are right for me and I'll give the same consideration to others. I shouldn't have to prove anything to anyone else's satisfaction. Too bad technology doesn't allow me to beam the embryo into the judge, lawyer, or legislator's own abdomen.
Keep the law out of my bedroom: So what if a man and a man or a woman and a woman are having sex? So what if they want to get married? Isn't a "family" a stable loving relationship? Does it really matter who loves whom?
World Trade Center attack: Why the hell isn't the White House doing everything it can to help the investigators along? Maybe they are hiding something, but that attack was devastating and we as a nation want to know what really happened and why. We deserve no less.
Iraq: We never should have gone in and I'm happy to know that everyone I know who was over there is now home. Yay! But do we have a plan on how to END this illegal occupation? And the administration is still changing its story on why we invaded. It's all about oil and greed and how Halliburton never had to compete for the contract for rebuilding. Gee, if I do that to my neighbor, I'd be arrested or sued or both. And my neighbor would be the winner. I think I'll say that my neighbor has something of mine so I'll kick in the door and go take it back. Wait! My neighbor doesn't have it. I just trashed the place. Oh by the way, did I tell you that my neighbor has been downloading kiddie porn and it's been printed out and hung all over the basement? You see, I HAD to kick in the door and trash the place. But wait, there's more! Did I tell you that I own a remodeling firm? Oh yes, and I've browbeaten all the other remodeling firms to stay away from my neighbor so I can jack up the prices. Could I get away with this? No, and I shouldn't, it's despicable. But now that we've trashed Iraq, it is our duty to fix what we broke.
Environment: We have one planet and we'd better take care of it. Let's try to keep the remaining wilderness areas wild. If we don't, we'll be breathing bottled and recycled air. Not to mention, fresh water is only 3% of the planet and if we pollute it, we're shooting our children and grandchildren in the foot.
Energy Conservation: This is somewhat intertwined with the environment in that wasting less helps keep the landfills from filling up. Some of the little things do add up, like walking when you're only going 4 blocks away, or driving a vehicle that has better gas milage, carpooling when you can, turning off lights when you're not in a room, dressing in layers instead of heating your house to sauna-like temperatures, there are other examples of things we can all do to be less wasteful.
and dozens of others including keeping the state separate from religion, reforming the stock market, reforming public assistance so that people aren't penalized for having a job, encouraging people to start up small privately-owned businesses, giving soldiers back their health benefits.