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What are your Top Ten campaign issues?

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screembloodymurder Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 05:56 PM
Original message
What are your Top Ten campaign issues?
Why do the Dems allow the right to define the issues? With all the ammunition Bush is providing, why are we debating God, guns and abortion. Here's my top ten.

1. The war in Iraq (the PNAC policy)
2. The economy (jobs)
3. The deficits
4. Repealing the Patriot Act
5. Global warming
6. Investigating 911
7. Distribution of wealth
8. Protecting our environment
9. Energy conservation
10.Arms control

What are the issues you feel the party should stress?

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dorktv Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 05:58 PM
Response to Original message
1. Mine are:
1. Money
2. Monie
3. Moni
4. Money
5. Dean's great eyebrows
6. Um is this list over yet?
7. What Three more?
8. Hmmm...Government Cheese?
9. Tomatos
10. Finally I am done.
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Brucey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 05:59 PM
Response to Original message
2. Add education and civil rights.
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camero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:01 PM
Response to Original message
3. missed one
1. Health Care
2. Jobs
3. Neverending War
4. Deficits
5. Environment
6. Patriot Act
7. Energy
8. Distribution of Wealth
9. Investigating 9/11
10. Gun Control
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tedoll78 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:01 PM
Response to Original message
4. I have mine.
1. Supreme Court nominees
2. Supreme Court nominees
3. Supreme Court nominees..

and so on. I also like your issues, sbm!
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gristy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:02 PM
Response to Original message
5. That's a good list
My order is just a little different, and a new one for #1.

1. Election fraud
2. Deficit spending (and tax policy)
3. The war in Iraq (and PNAC)
4. Government/business corruption/criminality
5. The economy
6. The environment (including global warming & energy conservation)
7. Patriot Act
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joeybee12 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:04 PM
Response to Original message
6. 1.) Bush's Lies; 2.) Bush's Lies; 3.) Bush's Lies; 4.) Bush's Lies;
5.) Bush's Lies
6.) Bush's Lies
7.) Bush's Lies
8.) Bush's Lies
9.) Bush's Lies
10.) Bush's Lies

I wish you had let us do more than 10. I didn't even have space to include Bush's Lies as well as Bush's Lies.
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arwalden Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:04 PM
Response to Original message
2) Economy
3) Environment
4) Energy Conservation / Alternate Renewable Sources / Wind, Solar, Wave-motion Energy Research
5) Repeal Patriot Act
6) Separation Of Church/State
7) Privacy/Abortion Issues
8) Stem Cell Issues
9) Medical Marijuana Issues (Legalize Marijuana?)
10) Increase funding for AIDS reasearch, education, prevention--both at home and worldwide.

-- Allen
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Sibanetta Donating Member (60 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:06 PM
Response to Original message
8. Top Ten Issues
Hey, great's my ten

1) Cede control of Iraq, and get UN and other nations involved

2) Repeal Patriot Act

3) Investigate 9/11 -Saudi Involvement

4) National Health Insurance Plan - as Good as the governments

5) Repeal Bush Tax Cuts for top 1%

6) Campaign Finance reform - no more "Only for Rich guys"

7) Education - Equal education for all!

8) Military - Lean, Mean Defensive machine!

9) Energy - Lets get self-sufficient

10) The economy - let's suck it up and get out of debt!
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gristy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 07:15 PM
Response to Reply #8
20. Great list, Sibanetta.
You even give specific positions! And I your positions.
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quaker bill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:09 PM
Response to Original message
9. Mine
My issues list

0. Remove Bush* (everything else depends on this)
1. War in Iraq
2. Economy/deficit/taxes
3. Environmental Protection
4. Pubic Education
5. Civil rights / repeal of patriot act.
6. Health care
7. Energy conservation
8. Corporate reform - end corporate welfare
9. Wage inequity / trade imbalance
10.Arms control
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screembloodymurder Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:12 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. Like 0.
but I,m not sure the DLC will agree to it.
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slackmaster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:14 PM
Response to Original message
11. I'd add just one and it would be at the top of my list
Failure of the USA to fully and permanently adopt the Metric System.
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Tinoire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:27 PM
Response to Original message
12. Here are mine / Good question
Edited on Thu Oct-30-03 06:30 PM by Tinoire
1. And end to the expanding wars of PNAC with special emphasis on justice in Israel/Palestine
2. Weapons And Non Proliferation
3. Civil Liberties (Patriot Act goes here)
4. Universal Health Care
5. Social Security And Pension Protection
6. Environment
7. Breaking the Military Industrial Complex
8. Corporate Power (Reigning in)
9. Economic Justice
10.Workers Rights/Repealing N A F T A

And just as important to me:
Genetically Engineered Food
Water as a Human Right

I feel the issues the party should stress are those of social and economic justice, and a redistribution of how are tax money is spent. Currently over 50% of it goes to the MIC and is inexcusable. If we want people's votes, we need to clearly show our emphasis is on the average man and not on corporate security.
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grannylib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:39 PM
Response to Original message
13. Grannylib's List
All good suggestions, friends!
Here's my Top Tenm not really in any particular order:
1) Whirled Peas
2) Jobs/Economy
3) Health care
4) Education
5) Supreme Court nominees
6) Civil rights (NOT, note, civil religion)
7) Repeal of Hatriot Act
8) Campaign finance reform
10) Election Fraud (Never again, election 2000)

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Frangible Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:51 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. My "gun nut" perspective
1. Iraq (getting it out of it and ending the warmongering)
2. Jobs/Economy
3. Health care
4. Gun Rights (as in, I support the second amendment)
5. Repeal Patriot Act
6. Repeal DMCA
7. Education
8. The environment
9. Energy
10. Deficit

Really though, my primary goal is to get Bush out of office. I have had enough of Dubya and will do whatever it takes to make sure he doesn't get another 4 years.

Yeah ok, I guess I'm not much of a real gun nut, but do I still get an evil freeper NRA zombie award for it being #4? :P
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kwolf68 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:56 PM
Response to Original message
15. Hmmm

No candidate would ever say this, but its me.

1-Government oversight (govt should work for the masses, not the few...for the individual not the corporate, honesty should be a principle of any administration and lying to the American people considere treason)

2-Cultural Decay and the death of civility (Our fixation on greed and exploitation must be curbed. Our "Christian" culture will never go where the moralists want it to go when the true God of our age is money and materialism.)

3-Family (YES...We need to support family "values." Not the kind of the Pat and Jerry crowd per se, but ignoring the facts that children are best served by a TWO PARENT household is foolish. We must do everything we can to promote the sanctity of our communities which comprise our family units. ---Not to spook people in here that Im a rightists, I treat homosexual couples the SAME as hetero...They should receive the exact same support)

4-Corporate Monopolization (Anti-Trust Legislation must be heavily promoted. The basic definition of a monopoly in a free market should be applied and then regulated. If one company has control over 60% of the market-or whatever the # is- that company should be regulated. Anti-Trust actually PROTECTS the integrity of the free market by promoting the one thing that fuels it: Competition)

5-Campaign Finance (A full federal funded campaign program should be promoted. 100% of all corporate money should be removed from the system. "Front groups" that channel corporate dollars to politicians should be immediately outlawed as an affront to our Democracy)

6-Ecological Restraint (A government that lives by a sustainable credo that places nature and communities ahead of profits. As a civil race, we must do everything we can to curb extinction, pollution, ozone depletion, etc. A special reverence for ALL LIFE-including animals- should be a part of basic philosophies of a HUMANE and CIVIL society.)

7-A complete rejection of nuclear arms (A humane and just society must NOT exploit the nuclear arms race anymore. For competing societies to spend billions of dollars to build equipment to potentially kill millions of fellow humans is a travesty. Real leadership by all nations of the world should take place to rid the earth of ALL arsenals such as this...including our own. A nation that is always preparing for war can not be truly committed to peace)

8-Education (We must find innovative ways to provide better education to our children. However, the regimental non-sense must be limited. A real desire to inspire young minds, to have them reach out for their fullest potential, to understand and realize their purpose on earth should be part of the educational process. We must promote classes for the arts and music as studies show those who are involved w/ music and art excel in other classes)

9-Promotion of free speech (Sad this has to be an issue, but any American government should respect the very principle of the 1st amendment. No more calling people traitor or terrorist simply because you don't ageee with them. My government will allow complete and total dissent of me or my policies if that is the way AMerican people want to express themselves. Laws like the Patriot Act would be abolished.)

10-Elimination of the Death Penalty (Staying with my concept of CIVILITY and HUMANE treatment...No longer can the justice system force American citizens morally opposed to the death penalty to continue to support via taxation the killing of another human being.)
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Selwynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:58 PM
Response to Reply #15
17. That is a fabulous list - hope you like mine as well. :D
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Selwynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 06:57 PM
Response to Original message
16. A slightly different Top Ten List:
1. Foreign Policy (reversing the policy of Imperialism, establishing multi-lateral commitment to human rights as the highest priority in all international relations, ending a doctrine of preemption, and policies of profit over people – committing to becoming a partner in the global community instead of a rogue state)

2. Domestic Policy (exchanging an attitude of anti-community, anti-cooperative extreme individualism with an attitude of a national village, of community shared responsibility, and an economic structure that promotes accountability, cuts corporate welfare and reverses the continuing disparity between the desperately poor and the ridiculously rich - its time for a new “New Deal” and true, honest to God domestic Progressivism.)

3. Privacy Rights/Civil Liberties (repealing the patriot act, reeling in the out of control powers of the state, reinstituting basic protections for the accused and for private citizens)

4. Universal Health Care - total overhaul of healthcare in the US and a move from a privates system based on greed and not quality care to a public system that builds on the example of progressive nations such as Canada and improves on those systems. Access to quality health care for every American citizen should be considered a protected basic right.

5. Fully Funded Reformed Public Education (the once-and-for-all end to talk about school vouchers and privatization, and instead a new commitment to funding, supporting, evaluating and empowering public schools and school teachers with a budget the size of national defense and with a prioritization as high.)

6. Fair Trade (A complete reversal of the “Free Trade” agenda, a revised vision of “Globalization” that favors a global village of the people, by the people and for the people instead of by the corporate mega conglomerate at the expense of the people.)

7. "Honest Brokerage" of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict – (this means a cessation of our unqualified support of Israel in exchange for a policy of support conditional on Israel’s accountability and compliance with basic human rights standards, international law and initiatives towards peace. The same pressure and sternness should be applied to Palestinians but I am more concern in undoing decades of pro-Israel policy and exchange in instead for Pro-Peace policies that support the rights of Palestinians and Israelis equally.

8. Aggressive and unapologetic defense of equal rights to gays and lesbians and uncompromising protection of woman's rights (this needs no further explanation)

9. The continued uncompromising separation of Church and State (I am a deeply spiritual man myself, and I believe personal spiritual beliefs can be beautiful and rewarding, however in the history of the world, moves towards Theocracy (where the State is controlled by the Church) have be disastrous, and in my own lifetime, the realities of organizations like the Christian Coalition and other fanatically right wing fundamentalists sects are directly contrary to the principles of freedom and personal liberty that the nation is founded on – and the take over of such tyrannies in the name of “religion” should be defended against at all costs.)

10. Renewed Environmental Protection (we cannot continue to deplete non-renewable resources and destroy the environment for ever. We can either address the problems early enough to survive or we can literally do nothing and watch the planet die. We need to sign the Kyoto Accord, and commit to an aggressive time table for conversion to energy alternatives and moves away from fossil fuels.)
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zonmoy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 07:29 PM
Response to Reply #16
23. only one thing I would add to your education reform
would be to make the educational system encourage questioning and thinking rather than simply being a place to create mindless corporate drones.
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AP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 07:00 PM
Response to Original message
18. middle class opportunity - taxes - race
middle class opportunity
middle class opportunity
middle class opportunity
middle class opportunity
middle class opportunity
middle class opportunity
middle class opportunity
middle class opportunity
middle class opportunity
middle class opportunity

This is the umbrella under which all issues fall (including taxes, race, national security, more democracy, reform of the market, environment).

Once the middle class gets on a firm footing, and we get some real, progressive taxation (esp. on corp taxes) we'll see other things fall in place.
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Nobody Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 07:00 PM
Response to Original message
19. Nobody has a top ten list
My issues and some explanations. These are in no particular order, since depending on my mood, the importance can vary. Health care and job creation are numbers 1 and 2 and I think they're tied.

Health care: It's not a luxury, but some people seem to think it is. With so many workers putting in their 40 hours a week at temp jobs or splitting them between more than 1 part time job, these are the people who can least afford to get sick, and when they do, they're screwed. We need a national health care system so that we all can have health care when we need it. Health insurance companies are making obscene profits and it's not going to the doctors or to research.

Job Creation: Full time with benfits positions, temp jobs and part time work doesn't count. It also won't count if it pays so little that the worker has to take a second job just to have enough to pay the rent. And who pays for employers who won't pay their workers enough? We all do, with our tax dollars going to section 8 housing and food shelves. These are worthy places for our tax dollars to go, but a company with huge profits has no business expecting the taxpayers to pick up the slack for their unwillingness to pay a living wage and provide benefits.

Taxes: Cut taxes on EARNED income, increase taxes on UNEARNED income. Exempt unearned inheritances if the inheritance is a family business or a farm. Exempt it if all it does is pay for the funeral. Exempt inheritances up to 150,000. Capital gains taxes can certainly increase, this is someone making money off your labor and if they get enough from it, they don't have to do any work themselves. Tax it.

Repeal Patriot Act: The civil liberties our nation was founded on make our country great. The USA Patriot act was a perfect example of America Freaks Out and was ill considered and much of it is unConstitutional.

Keep the law out of my uterus: No judge or lawyer knows my life history, nor do I want them to. Trust me to make my own choices that are right for me and I'll give the same consideration to others. I shouldn't have to prove anything to anyone else's satisfaction. Too bad technology doesn't allow me to beam the embryo into the judge, lawyer, or legislator's own abdomen.

Keep the law out of my bedroom: So what if a man and a man or a woman and a woman are having sex? So what if they want to get married? Isn't a "family" a stable loving relationship? Does it really matter who loves whom?

World Trade Center attack: Why the hell isn't the White House doing everything it can to help the investigators along? Maybe they are hiding something, but that attack was devastating and we as a nation want to know what really happened and why. We deserve no less.

Iraq: We never should have gone in and I'm happy to know that everyone I know who was over there is now home. Yay! But do we have a plan on how to END this illegal occupation? And the administration is still changing its story on why we invaded. It's all about oil and greed and how Halliburton never had to compete for the contract for rebuilding. Gee, if I do that to my neighbor, I'd be arrested or sued or both. And my neighbor would be the winner. I think I'll say that my neighbor has something of mine so I'll kick in the door and go take it back. Wait! My neighbor doesn't have it. I just trashed the place. Oh by the way, did I tell you that my neighbor has been downloading kiddie porn and it's been printed out and hung all over the basement? You see, I HAD to kick in the door and trash the place. But wait, there's more! Did I tell you that I own a remodeling firm? Oh yes, and I've browbeaten all the other remodeling firms to stay away from my neighbor so I can jack up the prices. Could I get away with this? No, and I shouldn't, it's despicable. But now that we've trashed Iraq, it is our duty to fix what we broke.

Environment: We have one planet and we'd better take care of it. Let's try to keep the remaining wilderness areas wild. If we don't, we'll be breathing bottled and recycled air. Not to mention, fresh water is only 3% of the planet and if we pollute it, we're shooting our children and grandchildren in the foot.

Energy Conservation: This is somewhat intertwined with the environment in that wasting less helps keep the landfills from filling up. Some of the little things do add up, like walking when you're only going 4 blocks away, or driving a vehicle that has better gas milage, carpooling when you can, turning off lights when you're not in a room, dressing in layers instead of heating your house to sauna-like temperatures, there are other examples of things we can all do to be less wasteful.

and dozens of others including keeping the state separate from religion, reforming the stock market, reforming public assistance so that people aren't penalized for having a job, encouraging people to start up small privately-owned businesses, giving soldiers back their health benefits.

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FrenchieCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 07:17 PM
Response to Original message
21. Beating Bush is truly my only issue!
But I will add,
Cutting the defense budget to fund social programs.
Dealing with foreign policy in a rational manner, including War in Iraq and war on terror and rebuilding loss respect with Europe and the rest of the world
Maintaining Affirmative action
Health care policy that makes sense
Alternative energy
Reviewing the Patriot Act...taking out what isn't really required.
Giving those prisoners in Quantanamo a status.....
Charging Jose Padilla or releasing the man.
Kyoto treaty
renegotiating NAFTA to improve worker's rights.
Opening up the Reagan papers...rescinding Bush's exec order on that.
rescinding all executive orders ever signed by Bush
getting some good decent fair judges appointed
rescinding top tax cuts on the rich
rescinding estate tax cuts
Restoring media rules going back to 1987
Having regular press conferences, once all mediawhores are fired
Funding the Arts like before
Having a President that I want to look at when he comes on TV
Having a President I want to listen to when he comes on the radio
Having a President who listens.
Having a President who will tighten up corporate regulations.
Having a President that's articulate and can talk in whole sentences
Having a President who doesn't have a VP who does most of the work
Having PNAC banished to Guatanomo
Having a Repug Senators having to Kiss a Democrat's As* for once.
Having a VP who can vote to break a tie
Having a Press sec who doesn't lie all of the time.

Please note that my candidate is on record for doing all of these....although he has not mentioned the executive order bit, yet.

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FrenchieCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 07:52 PM
Response to Reply #21
25. Sorry, that my list was too long
Sorry, My list was more than 10....but If the first one, getting of Bush happens, the other 999 will eventually happen.
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mumon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 07:18 PM
Response to Original message
22. Here's mine:
1. The economy: jobs
2. The economy: the distribution of disposable income (need to give more to the working/middle/lower classes)
3. The economy: getting tougher on corporate crime, corporate tax loophones.
4. The economy: Tyeing trade accords with comparable living standards/environmental standards.
5. 9/11: getting to the bottom of it.
6. Total repudiation of PNAC
7. Environment
8. Health Care
9. Ending the faux "War on Drugs" and oxymoronic "War on Terror."
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zonmoy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-30-03 07:32 PM
Response to Original message
24. one that I would have
would be to commit more to helping the sick and disabled. no more 5 dollar raises for ssi and no more going to another city for dental care for the disabled.
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