With all of that money we are about to pour into Iraq, how do we guarantee that it doesn't end up in the hands of the terrorists now flocking there? Bin Laden and al Qaeda have thrived on the "overflow" from the oil money we have been sending to Saudi Arabia. I think America may be sending some percentage of their $87.5 billion hard currency right to al Qaeda by sending that money to Iraq.
Bush is using our tax money to keep a lid on (and his people in charge of) Iraq for the election cycle. He doesn't dare do the right thing for America (place Iraq into a multi-national "receivership"). If the U.N. took over, for example, Bush would get the blame for everything that goes wrong and the U.N. would get the credit for everything that goes right.
So, to the Bushist, the solution is obvious: To hell with America, its soldiers, and its taxpayers. There is an election to be won. Pour the taxpayer bucks right down the Iraqi rathole. Who cares where that money ends up? It's not the Bushists money anyway as we know, it's the people's money.