They are trying to explain why the market didn't resond yesterday to the great GDP numbers. But not until Jack Curmudgetty ranted about "the last time things were this good was under Ronald Reagan! Remember, his tax cuts and the trickle down and..." kinda trailed off, something about how great things were. Then he compared the current dems to Walter Mondale.
"Remember, he wanted to raise your taxes! Look where it got him!"
He continued to couch the entire discussion toward the "little guy," and how our tax cuts are going to be taken away by those mean old dems. Then he rate hate mail from people who agreed with him, with one thrown in from a guy who said he'd happily pay higher taxes if he could have social services.
Jack may be defending HIS tax cut, in HIS bracket, but not Joe Six's. Still, he managed to whip up the fear factor. Good play, Jack. The RNC check is in the mail.