Edited on Fri Oct-31-03 09:02 AM by sam sarrha
to be optimistic. There isn't any "immigration" from Mexico..It is ""MIGRATION"", the largest migration of people in the history of the world..and global warming hasn't really started. Go Goggle in 'Mexican Migration'. we are expected to lose another 17,000,000 jobs after bush rewards the worst corporation's with another tax cut and does nothing to stop the hemorrhage of jobs. Can the country afford to 'absorb' "another" 20,000,000 of Mexico's poorest? Fox is exporting his poverty problem, Mexico CANNOT maintain its population ..and being tight with the church Fox cant talk about population control... no problem ..the suffering brought about by the Catholic Church's birth control policy will bring the suffers closer to god. even without the migration problem, we have the 'baby boomer's about to add 47 trillion to the debt before the population age wave passes. add to that the TOTAL lack of health care and the inhuman policies of the right wing to make hideous profit on medicine and for the insurance health care brokers. the New policy for research is to NOT find a 'Cure' but develop a "Treatment" that will allow the corporation to charge you RENT on your disease, no rent payment and you are evicted... no profit in a cure. social security will be history with the planned and unplanned debt. There are people in Shrubs inner circle who during RayGuns presidency that said 'Our policy is to shrink the size of government down to where we will be able to drown it in a bath tub and kill it'... then apparently some Republican utopia will rise out of the ashes and we will all be millionaires. go to the Video store and check out "ZARDOZ", early Sean Connery..fantastic movie. Not until every elected and appointed official works for minimum wage, their families have to live in public housing projects, they take public transportation to work, feed their children on food stamps ,take them to an indigent health care clinic...10 minutes in the waiting room will give worse than you came in with...ONLY then will things change, and in 2 days we will all be riding in limo's ...... We got big problems that neither side is addressing...the weather is changing..anytime we could have over 20,000,000+++ starving Mexicans in San Diego,a famine in China and 200,000,000+++ Chinese move into India. And what is our president doing...? jerking off watching Iraq coverage on FOX news...cause he cant read a newspaper. This village idiot is like Nero fiddle F'n around while while the new Dark Age envelopes us. sorry about the rant...I am about to go risk my life for a $2.50 hr job driving a truck 24/7/26... by all